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CAV of Gang Green

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Posts posted by CAV of Gang Green

  1. If that is the case Ryan, then they taste bad. I was playing sports in the park when I tripped, fell, and some grass got in my mouth.


    I don't think I'd really want a hamburger without dill pickles.


    I hate pickles on a burger. Something cold on something hot. Ew.


    I also add a spice that adds an extra kick to the burger.

  2. We always have foods that come in glass jars. I can't imagine not having pickles, hot peppers, olives, jam, and other things like that. What do you guys put on hamburgers? (well, minus the jam) Or do Americans not cook hamburgers at home? :P


    We cook at home. But I don't get any of that (olives, jam, hot pepers). I only ever get pickles, and even still, never do I put it on a hamburger. I just use cheese and ketchup.

  3. Have you tried beating the out of your pillow? I find that helps...then I hang with my bird or my dog, but if you don't have pets that...doesn't help much ...*Sweat*


    Tried it. I blanked out while doing it and when my thoughts returned I saw a hole in the wall.


    I'd try out the pet trick, if I had a snake.


    When I'm angry with someone I write a letter saying what it is they've done that's made me angry, and explaining my feelings etc, then tear it into tiny shreds. It helps get stuff out of my system to write it all down without actually ranting at whoever it is and making things worse, and tearing it up is kind of therapeutic. I guess everyone just needs to find something that works for them though.


    I know that won't work.

  4. Glad to see that your cat's health rebounded.


    And for Christmas, my landlords found me a kitten. The kitten is not ready until January 30th, but that's a pretty awesome present, I think.


    Can I have it? :P

  5. Don't pickles, relish, olives, jam, sauerkraut, etc come in glass jars in the US?




    Everyone has something different that works well for them to diffuse anger. For me, it usually involves death metal or viking metal, going for a bit of a drive, and going for a walk in the woods. My husband breaks things. Usually, it's video games he gets mad at. In the past few years, he's broken 2 keyboards, and all of our controllers have teeth marks.


    Yes they come in jars, but I have none of those items. If I did, I would drop the jar from the roof.


    I don't bite my controllers or smash my laptop.......I just play games and go online....


    I wish music would help. But it doesn't. Not nearly enough.

  6. I haven't talked to a family member for the last 2 days, with the exception being my brother, and even still it wasn't much.


    I've found that when I'm frustrated with mum, it helps me to take a random glass jar outside and smash it against the concrete. Sure, it's not exactly mature, but it's satisfying, and as long as I clean up the pieces, no one gets hurt. (That might not work so well in New York though.)


    That could work in NY, but I don't have any jars lying around.

    What I usually do after a spat with mum is storm off to my room and listen to really loud music through my headphones to cut myself off from the world, and sometimes work on something creative. The second most common alternative is listening to really loud music until mum comes in and then we share in a cry-fit for as long as the tissue box allows. Unfortunately, that's not really an option for males.


    The only way I can calm myself down is by being here, darkSpyro, or playing games. I've tried the count to 10, I ended up making a hole in the wall. I tried to shout into my pillow, it was loud enough that my little brother told me to shut up. I tried pacing back and forth, I threw the TV remote and broke it.


    And the cry-fits would happen when I was 7 and me and my mother would have a tiny little conflict.

  7. That's because the group was afraid to fight, even though they wanted to destroy meepits. It's hypocritical.


    But yeah, nobody has yet to beat us.

  8. Why do people carry their Wiimotes around with them?

    Seriously... it's not like somebody doesn't have a spare remote at their house for you to use.


    For a friend's house.


    For example, I only have 3 Wiimotes, and one of them doesn't work with nunchuks anymore. So my friend had to bring his own. He doesn't have the banana though. :P

  9. I know what he said isn't true, but even with my huge temper I don't go screaming "I HATE YOU" or anything like that.


    CAV, there's a big difference between telling a lie, and not saying something. It's not even a lie of omission if he didn't ask if it's a valid argument. Sometimes, some things are better left unsaid, true or not, for the sake of not upsetting someone.


    There was a silly face for a reason.

  10. He might question where I'm going, or continue to argue.


    Next time it happens, I'm getting dressed, and leaving for the night. I'll ride the trains all night. Or at least until I calm down and dad is willing to calm down as well.


    I know. It's like the "Because I said so." But saying it's not valid, whether it is or not, will just upset him more.


    I cannot tell a lie. :P


    And he was constantly force feeding me that excuse. I eventually had to say something.

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