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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. I haven't seen you around in ages, even though you've been logged in recently. How are things going?

    1. Unstream


      Oh man, yeah I log in every now and then for nostalgia purposes and to prove to people how nerdy I was haha. This is 2 years late, so idk if you'll even see this, but I'm doing well :). I graduated from college last year and have a job in engineering! I hope you're doing well too!

  2. Ahhhhh flip flops! I don't know how you do it, but your signatures keep getting cuter and cuter. (Okay, I might have a slight obsession with flip flops)

  3. You mentioned not knowing what the site themes looked like. You can preview them on our guide: http://thedailyneopets.com/articles/neopets-layouts

    1. Lexa88


      I just figured out how to reply, lol - Thank you for your continued help :)

    2. Spritzie


      You're welcome :D I'm glad to help.

  4. You are now officially the Order's mascot and muse. Because the Order has spoken. :D

  5. Your new Awakened signature is absolutely adorable :D

    1. hrtbrk


      Thank you. :D Turned out a lot better than I thought it would ^^

  6. Your Draiks are absolutely gorgeous! They have such perfect customizations!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Spritzie


      I do the same thing! The contacts don't even help much, because the yellow is still there, which usually looks bad with the contacts, regardless of color. The eyes will be a big factor in what color I choose. I'll be playing around on Dress to Impress before I make a decision, but I think I might end up going with Desert.

    3. Queen


      Exactly!! I tried the lulu's on Glitz but the yellow + pink was horrid. So I went with the meepit eyes instead. I think the meepit eyes are the best thing ever!

    4. Spritzie


      I actually tried the Lulu contacts on pink yesterday. It would have been so adorable, had it not been for the yellow. They really should have picked something more neutral. I don't understand how they thought red/yellow was a good combo.

      I love the Meepit eyes. They look super cute on Draiks.

  7. Your signature is seriously the cutest thing ever!

    1. poptart123


      Aw, thanks so much! I really love yours too, I haven't used photoshop in so long I doubt I could ever make something that pretty.


    2. Spritzie


      Thank you :D I've never user photoshop or anything like it. If I didn't have avatars/signatures made for me, I probably wouldn't have anything. I have no artistic ability at all.

  8. The Coconut Shy is quickly becoming one of favorite dailies.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Spritzie


      Same here. I always rush through it, but it's nice to get a new one. :D

    3. flyingeevee


      Bleh I said avatars, I meant stamps! xD

    4. Spritzie


      I knew what you meant :P

  9. Finally, some rain! And it's a thunderstorm, which is even better. :D

  10. Erika! Notorious Nineteen is being released in November!! :D

    1. vyvren


      Yay, finally! :D The waiting has been excruciating :P

    2. Spritzie


      I know! I was so excited when I saw the email, saying it was finally being released. :D

  11. Okay... I either need a Wraith PB to fall from the Neo sky or a FFQ. Either would be equally awesome :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Finn the Human

      Finn the Human

      Yea I don't have 9.5 million to spend on one. Lol. I hope I either get a FFQ, or a random event.

    3. Spritzie


      Even if I had it, I think I wouldn't buy one either. I'll be waiting for the RE or FFQ. Hopefully an RE, because I'd be highly tempted to use a FFQ on Chocolate.

    4. Finn the Human

      Finn the Human

      I mean 9.5 million extra, like a billionaire. I would wait for an RE, or maybe a good deal for like 2-3mil discount. Also maybe for the prices to plummet.

  12. Training is getting so expensive. It's definitely time to start playing KQ again.

  13. TDN has such great members! It's awesome seeing so many step up to help with solving the new daily puzzles. :D

  14. Happy birthday Rayna! I hope you had a great day :D

  15. Work overload. It's definitely time for a vacation, or at least a weekend.

  16. Thanks for your concern :) I'm okay. I used to live in Denver, but for the past 3 years, I've lived about an hour south of Denver. I wasn't there and I don't know anyone that was, thankfully.

  17. Thank you for your concern Ryan! :D I am okay (I actually slept in past 7-8 am for the first time in months) I don't even think anyone I know was likely involved. My family is more western Denver, Aurora is eastern. But I'm going to be checking up on my friend that lives near Aurora today.

    1. -Ryan


      Thats good. ^^

  18. time to play some KQ and build my Codestone stash back up.

    1. Saxen


      I can play in about 20 minutes? :D

    2. Spritzie


      I need to figure what my time zone is compared to yours. KQ doesn't load on my work computer, so I can only play at home, which is evenings the first part of the week. Probably too late for you.

  19. Welcome back! :D I hope you're feeling better. And congrats on your FFQ! If I get one, I'm pretty sure I'm going for the avatar as well.

    1. Saxen


      Thanks hun! :D I'm really glad to be back, feeling better than I was for sure ^_^ Thank you for the congrats, I was totally shocked- made an incredibly sarcastic comment right before I clicked the button about how I was toootally going to get a FFQ XD crazy lol. The avatar is very lovely and shiny, definitely go for it. You can save for paints or trade for the colours you cant save for, there's always a way. The avvie is special :3

    2. Spritzie


      I'm glad you're feeling better :) I went round and round about the avatar last time, and obviously, decided on Water for Aitvara. I won't be doing that again.

  20. finally got the Snowmuncher avatar! Time to move to a different game.

  21. I just had to tell you, your avatar/profile picture is so bright and colorful. :D It's making me crave gummy worms

  22. The fire has come over the next ridge and flames are visible from my office. The building is surrounded by an orange glow from the ash and smoke in the air

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Spritzie


      I have mild asthma, and it's bothered by it, but only if I'm exposed to it for extended periods of time, depending on how close I am. Being at home, it's not bad, and I don't linger outside.

    3. Ashbash


      Oh my, just saw this. Stay safe! Hope things are okay.

    4. Spritzie


      Thank you :) The fire is backing away from the city now. They've lifted nearly all of the mandatory evacuations for my city and it's now the west side of the fire to worry about, which means the mountain towns on the other side.

  23. way too many close fires, and yet another one, just west of town.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spritzie


      Thanks We have yet another one that started a little further south not long ago. I think we have at least 5 current ones. Plus we have an arsonist running around in a neighboring county that's started quite a few in the past few days.

    3. Jacky


      oh no..... be safe over there... :(

    4. Spritzie


      I'm going to be watching everything closely, since the newest one is now up to 2,000 acres, and 0% contained. And it's near my work. They've already started voluntary evacs just north of the building.

  24. reached All Star rank today!

  25. got a Chocolate zap for my Shoyru today! :D

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