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Posts posted by flyingeevee

  1. TNT dislikes anyone to group up to come up with the answers and share them to anyone but themselves. It makes it unfair for the ones that actually figure it out themselves and with more winners, means less neopoints everyone gets for guessing correctly.


    Here's the rules from LC that also correspond with MP:


    IMPORTANT: Some people have been creating multiple accounts to enter the Lenny Conundrum multiple times, to win multiple prizes or to improve the chances of winning. Please do not do this, it makes the game unfair for others. We will freeze the accounts of people that we find doing it. Also, giving out the answer or any hints is against the rules. Please help to make the Lenny Conundrum fair for everyone!

  2. I hope they never do release an avatar, because then I would have another daily that will get on my nerves! xD


    I won ONCE ever by guessing the same exact number for months upon months...I won a Marrow and Rice Sundae.




    I heard a lot of the prizes aren't really worth it except for maybe 1 or 2 that are worth a whole lot...but yeah, I guess the same number over and over and eventually got something ^^


    It's a daily where all you do is put down a number and see if you win something for free, so why not right?

  3. From my experience, there was ONE time where I won TWO of the exact same stamp that I wished for 7 times. I kept one and sold the other of course xP


    It's just incredible luck, like with the Dream Pet Christmas Giveaway so he probably just got very lucky since there's a randomizer for whenever someone puts down neopoints for a wish.


    Plus they're probably aware of the times as are other people.

  4. What's not to like?


    I know I'm not old either and while I enjoy some hardcore techno to my soothing trance, I also can't help but to be drawn to classical and instrumental music :3


    Ever since my band days, I've grown to love and respect classical music and it's a great genre to study to! Some good Mozart and Chopin always do the trick!

  5. Not really sure what all my adopted pets mean for names but here are my created ones:


    Beauty9004 - I honestly named her after the main female character from the anime Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo xD (she was my first neopet)


    Faith9004 - I always liked the name Faith


    Ivana9004 - tribute to my boyfriend but added an "a" at the end


    Heaven9004 - I knew she would be a Christmas Zafara so it seemed appropriate


    Repatica - means Comet in Croatian


    Atzicitlali - took the words Atzi (rain in Aztec) and combined it with Citlali (star in Aztec) to make Rainstar ^^


    Uvertira - means Overture in Croatian


    Kialaza - I honestly just put words together until I saw it wasn't taken haha!


    Gavric - a real last name from someone I know (pronounced Gav-rich)


    I_Love_Ivan - this...should be easy to figure out xP (made her on our anniversary)


    Technobirdy - I love techno music and my favorite animal are birds

  6. I for one am VERY EXCITED!!!!!


    I might go with Chespin since it's very cute and I might get Pokemon Y since I like the logo more :laughingsmiley:


    I still wanna see the final evolutions before really picking my starter since they're not really the "best" in my opinion (2nd gen still has my fav starters)


    I was going to buy a 3DS XL mainly for Animal Crossing: New Leaf but now I KNOW I will own one this year xP

  7. Man...this is why I'm super glad to be done being that young naive/stupid age where we think EVERYTHING matters in middle/high school D:


    I never liked Justin Bieber but these girls are just showing how stupid they can be if they think this is the way to go to stop ONE INDIVIDUAL from smoking pot!


    I wish they would take that dedication (and a cleaner alternative) to stop other more SERIOUS problems with the world!


    This ticks me off to no end >:I

  8. "Guilty pleasures!

    Everybody has a few!

    Guilty pleasures!

    You and me and even you!

    Guilty pleasures!

    Contradict your sense of taste!

    Guilty pleasures!

    They can only be embraced!

    ~The Nostalgia Chick and Brental Floss



    Just feel free and post what are your guiltiest pleasures and maybe someone else shares the same ones! :laughingsmiley:



    Let's see for me:


    1) I enjoy Hollywood Heights on TeenNick

    2) I still like to imagine living in a fantasy world whether it's Final Fantasy, Elder Scrolls, etc.

    3) I actually enjoy the last High School Musical movie

    4) I like Johnny Cash (this is coming from someone that doesn't like almost ANY country!)

    5) I love to play Hamtaro Ham-Ham Heartbreak and think it's a fun game




    (Almost everyone I know hates this game and think it's terrible).

  9. Come What May from Moulin Rouge & Midnight Light by Haley


    The first song is my all time favorite song and will always happily hear it when it's on Shuffle or whenever I feel like it :laughingsmiley:

    The last song is one of my favorite chill songs for whenever I want to relax ^^

  10. I don't really watch a lot of tv but the shows I'm always making sure to watch are:


    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (I'll happily wake up Saturday mornings to this!)

    Walking Dead (been watching since season 1 and cannot wait for February)

    American Horror Story: Asylum (cannot wait for more on January)

    Dance Academy (I actually enjoy this show after watching season 1)

    The Secret Life of an American Teenager (guilty pleasure)

  11. I personally love LOTR! Got the extended edition for blu-ray for Christmas and can't wait to have my own marathon :laughingsmiley:


    I bought the book recently too and I intend to read it before next semester starts....it's just there's a lot of other games to play and books I need to finish!


    LOTR is another HUGE fantasy world that you can either get into or get bored by its own history. I love fantasy worlds and can easily get into it (ex. Elder Scrolls, Harry Potter, Final Fantasy, etc.) so it just depends on the person since I love the fantasy life xD

  12. I cannot stand comedy movies that mainly depend on "dirty humor". Yes, we get that some body parts are just hilarious when you're young but it gets old really fast :/


    I also don't like certain horror movies that aren't scary...just gross like the Human Centipede :sick01:



    Other than that, I love me some horror, drama (I like to cry), cartoon, musical, mystery, black and white, and more :laughingsmiley:

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