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Posts posted by flyingeevee

  1. I'll try that then :3


    Thanks so much you two! I was just so excited to finally get him painted that I didn't know a fact that could have been prevented on my part x'D


    Where is that thread btw?


    EDIT: Just reread what I last said...I guess even if I found someone, the clothes will be sent along with them so the only way to move these clothes at all is to give them to someone else for keeps D:


    Oh well...at least he was pretty when he had them x'D




    Uvertira is now back home and ready for fall ^^

  2. I hope TNT is working on that issue...because I'm sure they realize with the lab ray, people are gonna get a lot of unwanted clothing and it just sucks that only that specific color can transfer with them.


    I was hoping I can somehow send them back to my side...but that would require a few days of transferring, a Desert Draik, and someone to have complete trust in me xD

  3. I said it would be a surprise :3


    Who came up with that idea?? If I knew i would've used some cheap color before transferring D:


    Man...his desert clothing is gonna be stuck on my main closet....hopefully I can find someone that will help me on that x'D

  4. Wanted to surprise you all with the color I have chosen for Uvertira :D




    I love all chocolate pets and never really planned to make Uvertira Chocolate until I got another FFQ. I thought I wouldn't ever get another FFQ so I avoided thinking about the color until I was given a second chance :3


    What really surprised me was that I made sure he wasn't wearing anything when I transferred him and then I see all his Desert clothing in my main closet :O


    Does this mean I can't take them back to my side account now that he's a different color? Because that would be a shame :(

  5. Dear Jackie Eevee,


    CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your score of 961 beats the score of 800 by MAGAX in the BETTER THAN YOU competition! You have won 3,000 NP, a cool trophy and a great item! Well done!


    I'm a little upset that I didn't see the news sooner to finally get a gold trophy for Better Than You! MAGAX is my gaaame xD

  6. You learn early on while playing NQ1 that just about EVERY upgrade will require a Glowing Stone! I would suggest training in the beginning around the mountain area fighting the Plains Aishas and Plains Lupes before going on your adventure.


    I would say get over 5+ glowing stones before going to the Dank Cave (if you're like me and always make both armor/robe lolz). Because after you start your adventure and travel to other locations, the only other place to find glowing stones are in the Temple of Roo (Level 1). ALL the golems found there (except the Stone Golems) have a chance of dropping glowing stones so that's where you can farm for them at a higher level.


    Enemies that Drop Glowing Stones:





    EDIT: O..M...G....I FINALLY reached level 50 to fight Jahbal on Insane mode and in like 5 minutes....he stunned me for 3 turns and killed me....now I'm back to level 1 in the very beginning x'D


    *goes to cry in corner*

  7. How long do they take? i might wanna try.


    Depends on how much time you're spending to play the games xD

    Think of a normal RPG kind of game...it can take hours to play and beat NQ so play it during your free time with music or tv on. Or be like me and only play when you restock....and then don't restock or play for a month xD


    Just remember, if you plan on playing NQ1, your active pet will be the "save file" and can only continue with that same pet for NQ1. NQ2 doesn't have that thankfully!

  8. 4.png


    Name: Velaninia

    Gender: Female

    Status: UFA

    Contact: Me on here or neomail me on - jackie_3_3_3

    Other Info: She was newly created today (October 1, 2012) and will require 7 days before she can even be transferred. She got her color through a FFQ and I just want someone that will welcome her to their home and just love her. That's really all I ask for. Nothing she's wearing will be transferred xD


    Proudly adopted!

  9. I am so happy to find this thread! It's difficult to get help on the neoboards as the NQ ones are so slow *lol* So I have beaten both NQI and NQII on evil and I am extremely nervous to go for Insane. For those of you who have completed both on Insane, which was easier/faster for you?


    I'm very close to beating NQ1 on Insane mode so I can't really tell you which one was faster but I personally felt that NQ2 was probably easier to do on Insane mode.

    I say this mainly because on NQ1, you only have one member and losing him at any point is an instant game over while in NQ2, you will eventually have a full party and VELM!

    You have to be cautious on both games either way, but I personally find NQ2 easier and actually more fun ^^

  10. It's when we get attached to old pets that makes this harder xD


    I was thinking about possibly using my FFQ on Uvertira...after 7 days since I just made a Buzz for the avatar today haha!


    It'll be a surprise on here though and I really should get more October clothing :P

  11. I'm going to dress as a Penguin (it's a dress so it's kind of classy too), carve my second pumpkin ever (last year was my first), and then enjoy my scary movie marathon while probably watching the boyfriend play Silent Hill or Fatal Frame :3

  12. For all of those wondering what my situation is,


    I don't think my boyfriend would care. It's just kind of hard though not to blab about your pets to people in real life :P


    That's funny, because I just talked about my pets with my bf a few hours ago and he listened and understood what I meant by FFQ xD


    Well, you can always talk about your pets with us here! :3

  13. It's just hard to decide when I technically only have one spot left in the family and still missing a few pet avatars (mainly the ones that require a Grarrl and Elephante) xD


    So how have you been Spritzie? :3

  14. My boyfriend made an account just because he knew I was still into neopets and he enjoyed it for a while...but then realized it wasn't his thing but it totally accepts me going on there.


    He's more into FPS games and he will get on his account whenever I mention there's something big going on (like signing up for the Altador Cup, Advent Calendar, etc.)

  15. Alright so what did I miss? :D


    I had the craziest thought that if I ever find a Draik Egg through the dailies, I just might hatch it! Craziest thing and also based on luck xD


    Anyone that wants/owns a Draik is more than happy to come chat with us ^^


    EDIT: Alright! I managed to get me ANOTHER FFQ and got that Buzz avatar and now will have a new FFQ to save xD

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