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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/19 in Posts

  1. Kammi was a Camelior and was zapped Faerie Stahkee Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that. You should come back tomorrow and try again! And take a chance to NOT have it stay Faerie?? NO WAY! 10/28/2019 Max an Altachuck and was zapped Faerie Snorkle Hey you crazy Kokith, I'm not EVER going to take a chance to lose a Faerie Petpet!
    2 points
  2. 5th Mosaic Grarrl Attempt: The ray is fired at Besloor... ... and he changes into a Yellow Usul!! Time to buy another morphing potion.
    2 points
  3. You are allowed 5 accounts linked to the SAME email so if the frozen account was linked to the same email as the others , you are still able to create one more (that makes it 4 sides, but one is frozen) so you're good for now ... the frozen account doesn't count anymore .. you can even create a 5th account
    2 points
  4. Nielo

    Enter the Runway #88!

    I honestly hadn't even thought about Neopets' faeries. Oops. ? So yeah, I meant fairy tales. There are still several faerie themes on the list of themes that I have, so I think I'd like this one to be just fairy tales, not faerie ones, to keep it more contained to one theme. When I think about fairy tales, I think about the Brothres Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen. Looking them up, I noticed the Brothers Grimm were described as being "among the first and best-known collectors of German and European folk tales". So I guess they'd be considered folk tales as well. (I think Holland doesn't have any fairy tales of its own either, at least, none that I can think of. Or folk tales, for that matter. ? I grew up with the fairy/folk tales I mentioned above.) So, to summarise: base your entry on fairy or folk tales, but not on faerie tales.
    2 points
  5. Hello everyone! Since we can already feel the presence of Halloween on Neopets, from the recently launched species outfits and user's customizations, I decided it is the right time for me to write about it! As someone who doesn't live in either the UK, the USA or Australia, Halloween is something I don't fully know/understand and I find it more interesting to interact with other people and discover new things by doing so than search on the internet by myself. The first time I ever heard of Halloween was on my 5th grade on my English class (almost 20 years ago... I'm getting old ). The event fascinated me, to be honest, on a cultural level! Even if it was something that I wouldn't dedicate myself into since we, in Portugal, have another tradition for the 1st November. Well, many things changed since then and thanks to the consumerism.. Halloween is starting to be a "thing" here. It's not the same or, at least, I never saw anyone doing Treat or Trick but people make Halloween parties and dress according to the event. I don't participate or support it but what can I do? Don't take me wrong, I love the event but it's like celebrating Carnival in the USA! (Now it would be funny if people say they celebrate it ) or celebrating Christmas in Japan! Each culture have its events and those events should stay there.. in my opinion. The main thing that drove me to write this post was the fact that many people dress up on Halloween of things that... are not related to the theme... and I don't get that.. ? Could anyone explain to me why would people dress as anything but spooky/scary things? Even with the evolution of the event through the centuries, I don't understand why you would dress as a sailor or pirate or even a sandwich. And what about you? What are your thoughts on Halloween? Do you feel any difference in the way the event is celebrated now from the days of your childhood?
    1 point
  6. I love that TDN allows us to discuss topics like this because we can offer different points of view and get to know not only information about the topic but we get to know TDN members and learn of aspects of them that we might not have known before and, I feel , helps me gain more respect and enjoy learning what makes different people so wonderful & interesting. So thank you, @Yuiina, for bringing this topic up and I look forward to many fun responses while I offer my own. I am Arab-American and having been raised Muslim, we have never celebrated Halloween. My American mother had participated in Halloween when she was a child during the 1970's and early 1980's and her most repeated comment or tirade about Halloween (that I find kind of funny) is: "What is the ONE thing we teach our children before they can even talk? DON'T TAKE CANDY FROM STRANGERS! Yet, we totally reverse that warning and have a holiday that encourages kids to violate that safety. Then look at what the kids say to GET the free candy that will later HAVE TO BE CHECKED (a red flag that tells you maybe this isn't a safe thing), Trick or Treat! In other words, the neighborhood children are being encouraged to demand candy or they will feel they have the "right" to vandalize your house, car, or property if you don't comply with their demands for free candy. In my view, that is encouraging bully-like behavior which shouldn't be rewarded with candy and while most children are not malicious or planning to damage your house with soap or eggings-it still is a "tradition" that encourages children to demand something rather than earning the candy or receiving it like a gift, which I find distasteful." This would be her answer whenever we wanted to go to a friend's house or a party that was for Halloween. Now, I am the youngest child and was not present for my mother's funniest interaction with someone who didn't agree with my mother's unwillingness to participate in Halloween, but my 2 older siblings who witnessed this told us how mom shut down someone who felt she wasn't a good person because she didn't want to hand out candy. It was October 1995, there were no Islamic schools in NY at that time, so my mother drove my sisters (then 5 and 2 1/2) to New Jersey every day 2 hours to the school and 2 hours back (she also taught at that school-she was 1 of the only 2 American teachers that had completed her 2 year degree in Secondary Education but the need was for her to be the ELA teacher for grades 2-9 at this school) and on the 31st-she had called our father to say that she needed to stay over her friend's house to help her watch her children after school so that her friend & fellow teacher could do the taxes of a client and would drive back the following day. So my sisters and my mother went to the friend's house and as the 3 other kids and my sisters were racing around the house, my mother & her friend are going over what my mom can make for dinner and how late her friend may be, then they both realize that it is Halloween night and kids will be coming around in their costumes for candy. My mom tells my friend not to worry-she doesn't celebrate that holiday anyway-so she'll turn off all the lights and draw the front drapes closed and just keep the children in the kitchen in the back of the house eating dinner and then send them up to bed. But my sisters and their 3 friends were too curious about the kids roaming the streets that night, and while my mom was trying to cook the dinner in an unfamiliar kitchen, Ali (4 yr.s old) or Aziza (6 yr.s old) would sneak to the front room to pull the drapes open and peek out and call in a loud whisper-"Someone looks like an orange ball-wait it has a face- they're a pumpkin!" and of course the other kids would run out to the room and take turns peeking. After having all the kids rush to the window to look at "Hey, Shaytan (the Devil) is running down the street and has a long pointy tail!" so loud that my mom came to the front room and said that was quite enough & dinner was ready so they needed to clean their hands and go to the kitchen and no more coming to the window any more! So after she got them all settled at the table, there was a loud banging on the door and a woman was wildly screaming. My mother instructed Aziza & my oldest sister to keep everyone at the table while she went to see what was the matter. My mother opens the door and a woman with 2 little boys is screaming in my mother's face, "We KNOW you're in your house ,you cheapskates! We see your brats looking out at us! How DARE you not give candy to children! Why are you SO CHEAP?!" My mother says to the woman, "Why can't YOU buy your kids candy yourself and expect everyone else to give you candy? " The woman was still angry, "What? It's Halloween! You HAVE to give kids candy!" My mom says, "This is America, and if I choose NOT to celebrate this holiday-it is MY choice. I turned off the lights which was supposed to let you know that WE are not participating. Please take your children and LEAVE." The woman starts pushing her kids to the driveway and starts cursing my mom out, to which my mother replied, "Hey lady, when it's my holiday, I don't dress up my kids and drag them to your door to beg for candy! Just respect that we have the right NOT to participate if we choose not to." " And my sisters said that there was a group of parents & children on the sidewalk that clapped and told that lady to leave my mom alone. Now, I think Neopets is a great place to enjoy this "controversial" holiday in a way that is safe. I entered my Pet, Kokariia, in JellyNeo's Costume Contest, I can go virtual trick-or-treating getting Goodie Bags that will not have tampered candy or questionable treats, and I can wish my friends to enjoy their holiday and know that they aren't people intending any harm and I learn about how others just like to have fun on this holiday. I really hope that I didn't offend anyone with my sharing a different take on Halloween. I hope that it would just give you a chuckle to see it from the "other side". ?
    1 point
  7. Like all holidays in the US, Halloween season seems to come earlier and earlier every year. Stores begin selling decorations and candy in September or earlier. I expect we will see Christmas trees on sale as soon as Halloween is over ? When I was a little kid, Halloween was celebrated in school, so we would sit in class as a dragon or ghost or whatever. Some years there were "parades" where each class would walk through all the classrooms to show off their costumes. Teachers would dress up, too, and we'd have a party during the last class period. I went to public school, so this sort of thing is very unusual. I think only Valentine's Day had similar celebrations. However, because it was public school, eventually somebody decided the day was a religious holiday (or it offended religious students, I don't remember) so all school based activities were banned. One thing I noticed as an adult is that we no longer change our clocks for daylight savings time before Halloween. It always seemed to happen the day before Halloween, so that evening always felt super dark and scary. Nowadays, we change our clocks a week or two later, which means the little kids who go trick or treating earlier may still be in the daylight.
    1 point
  8. American Midwest, having lived on the east cost and the south, Halloween will vary a lot on where you live, even from town to town. Some places it;s a big deal and everyone goes trick-or-treating, while others it's barely noticed. Some places are big of kid safety, so nobody goes house-to-house, while others lets kids roam alone well after dark. And depending on what trends are popular, can change a lot form year to year. I personally favor the scary costumes, but for most people it's an excuse to dress up, so they dress up as whatever they happen to want, which might not be scary. others just want an excuse to party, don't care about the costume, so they use whatever they happen to find easy. I also have a lot of friends who are big into anime and cosplay, so they'll typically dress up as an anime or video game character. Also have a couple of Wiccan friends who treat it as a religious holiday. like most things, Halloween has different meaning to different people who observe it in different ways. This year I'll be out of town at a hotel for an anime convention that starts the next day. Are vague plans to meet up with a couple friends at the hotel bar, and I think a couple people are planning to bring board games along. I might dress up in something simple, plastic fangs and red contacts, or might go without, depending on how i feel the day of.
    1 point
  9. Here in Australia, it's not really accepted. Most people roll their eyes when they see Halloween stuff in stores and we're like.. but that's American. I know there are some people who love it here but it's not widely practiced. Even for those who do its usually parties not trick or treating. I didn't know anyone in Australia did trick or treating until I was 18 and moved from a secluded area in my country town to a more suburban area (still in the same town) and a few kids were doing it in our neighbourhood. People who live in different parts of Australia e.g. close to the city might have a vastly different experience to me. But in my experience it's only a fraction as popular as in the US and UK.
    1 point
  10. What an interesting post! I like Halloween just fine. Of course I live in the USA and celebrated it as a kid. I went Trick-or-Treating too. Sometimes the weather was good, sometimes it rained, and I've even gone trick-or-treating with snow on the ground! LOL If you're curious about the origins of Halloween, I'm sure there are plenty of websites that could provide really good info. One of the COOL things about Halloween, is that I learned a couple of years ago, that the Jack-o-Lantern, was ORIGINALLY lanterns carved into Turnips in Ireland. Used as lanterns at night for walking home, or wherever. Being half-Irish, I though this was really cool to learn. ? Of the few costumes I've worn from Childhood to about 14. I think my favorite was a costume I put together myself. Did a pic of it a long time ago... lol That staff actually had a button that lit up and sounded the roaring thunder when you pressed it. Sadly, it stopped working. lol I don't know how to fix it, so it's in storage somewhere. The rest of the costume was a Vampire Cape, with the color turned down because I was a wizard, NOT a vampire. The glow in the dark sword, which you can only see the hilt and crosspiece here, was the last bit I added to the costume. The patch-work hoodie, black slacks and black dress-shoes I already had. This costume I wore beyond just the age of 14, but I only wore it to have some fun. See, this costume helped me cast a dark and imposing figure. I would literally watch as kids crossed the street with their friends, or parents, to avoid crossing my path. When that would happen, I'd activate the staff, and that would draw kids and parents into my dark clutches...... lol Nah, they were fascinated by the staff because they'd probably never seen anything like it. And to think, I found it at Kmart for $19.99! So their curiosity got the better of them and they'd come up to ask about the staff and how it worked. It was really quite fun. I did this for about 2 years before the staff stopped working. The speaker for the Thunder sound came undone and I've yet to get the means to fix it. Also, here is a very old animated gif I did of some Monsters on Halloween night. This was intended to be a desktop background, but by the time I completed it, about 12 or so years after I started it, the standard/most popular screen resolution for computers was no longer 800x600, PLUS Windows seems to no longer support animated gif files in their newer OS versions. Really too bad. ? Otherwise, the only thing that's REALLY changed from Halloween when I was a kid, is that some places, for safety concerns, no longer have Trick-O-Treating closer to the twilight hours. Some places only do it when it's bright and sunny out. Not much fun, really. If a kid were to go solo, I can see the reason for concern, but kids tend to walk with other kids, or parents, so it should, in MOST cases, be FINE to trick-or-treat around Sunset, or later. ?
    1 point
  11. Wow, thanks everyone who voted for mine! ? And congrats to FreakyBowie!
    1 point
  12. Can I clarify, does this mean "faerie tale" as in a Neopets specific thing or a general fairytale?
    1 point
  13. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 2. nova 3. ball 5. acres 7. blade 8. bite 9. tag 10. roar 13. wings Down: 1. gabar 4. advent 6. swatter 7. bearog 8. bbq 11. one 12. red Which glue will help you make your craft indestructible? Answer: Strong Forever Glue Prize: 299 NP
    1 point
  14. Yay, no surprise AT. ALL. that @FreakyBowie won! Such a cool entry, and seasonal too!
    1 point
  15. Your fears that the Kookith didn't actually know what the heck he was doing are confirmed when Todd suddenly disappears, leaving no trace. None. Nada. Zip. Ziltch. Guess it's time to buy a new Petpet. This happened twice today !!!! I love V, my Angelpuss Petpet Name Petpet Species Angelpuss Petpet Level 1 Age 0 hours old I love H, my Barbat Petpet Name Petpet Species Barbat Petpet Level 1 Age 0 hours old
    0 points
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