Finally got the number six avatar! Now to continue saving for my meowclops. Almost there!
According to current market trends, this asparagus should cost 5,023,641 NP per kilogram.
Edit- 1/5/2020 this is a good month so far. Got the Meowclops avatar yesterday. Also yesterday, I obtained a score of 3360 in Korbat's Lab which meant I woke up to the Freaked Korbat avatar. Yay me!
Edit 3/2/2020 Got the Babaa - Math's Nightmare avatar with a score of 5760 last night. Beat my previous high score from who knows how long ago by 60 points. I picked the division setting on potato counter mode because it's the highest scoring setting that I don't have to think on. The only limit is clicking and typing speed. Hopefully someone else gets a new avatar soon so I can post a new post next time.