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  1. Past hour
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  3. 2. Legretta_Abyss's gained 2 strength points and 2 levels!
  4. Treasure of the Black Pawkeet
  5. Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that. Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.
  6. Well I'm glad day one is for two days because I just keep getting this when I try and select a negg
  7. Yesterday
  8. I adore this Steampunk Color!! I'm usually pretty mixed in my opinions for the Steampunk Pets, sometimes they're great, sometimes I wish they just never added them... But this definitely fits the bill for the first one! The colors and shading all make it look so elegant, and each piece feels unique in its detail. Only wish that some of them were separated, like the hat and the eyepiece, or the shoes and the gloves. But overall, an amazing Color. The neon outfit is nice too! Originally, I thought that the colors were nice, but didn't feel like they'd work well together... But I think it's still a great set, and I could see it being improved with other wearables. Love each item on its own though! The white markings remind me of a snow leopard, it's really cute! And the tan one reminds me of a lynx, also cute! A neat and simple set I'm a big Kougra fan, but even if I wasn't, this day still gave a lot of good ones!
  9. Kari is looking a little grey for this years Festival of Neggs. Help her find Neggs hidden around Neopia from April 22nd - May 7th to help bring some colour back in her life (and earn some nice prizes along the way too!) NOTE: Day 1 begins April 22nd and lasts throughout April 23rd. View Our Guide
  10. Tarla is in! Rainbow Ixi Plushie.
  11. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 4. ball 5. one 6. two 8. arnold 11. art 13. eyrieki 14. acres Down: 1. alton 2. roo 3. red 7. tag 9. dorak 10. toy 12. bite 15. cup In 2013, what colour for Kougras was introduced? Answer: Wraith Prize: 520 NP and Wraith Kougra Plushie
  12. Faerie Juma Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.
  13. Shopkeepers have been turning grey around Neopia. Seems like the Void is taking over
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