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Forum Name


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I know we have a thread about peoples names and where they come from etc. But I am interested in finding out peoples Forum Names or Nick Names, where they come from and what do they mean? There are a lot of interesting names out there and it would be cool to see how people came up with them.


So I shall start you all off... m3l3ana - I found a website that translates your name into Hawain and it is Meleana, I tried to use it on some website and it wouldn't let me so I added the 3's and that is how I came up with m3l3ana.

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Lols... Zelda shivers I remember playing that on Game Boy hehe. I figured your one Dillon :P

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Well, I was just being bored one day and suddenly an idea for a new set (my current one) with an appropriate name to go along with it clicked in my head. So I made the set, changed my name, and here I am. :yes:

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My old Forum Name (djtom111) is the one I pretty much use everywhere else but here. I can't remember WHY I chose it (because I am not a DJ, or want to be a DJ), but I do remember I first used it on Neopets when I made my original account about 4 years ago. I think I wanted something like djtom911 but I think it was taken so the site suggested djtom111 and I went with that. So chances are if you see a djtom111 or a djtom1111 on the internet, it's probably me :D


As for DOOM Bringer? Well I just came up with it when I became a Super Member here. djtom111 was good but I wanted some variety, so I decided to make a new name. I'm a member of DOOM and I consider myself someone who would bring doom, so I just went with DOOM Bringer. I might change my Forum Name later, but for now I'm perfectly happy with DOOM Bringer.


And that's the story of my Forum Name/s

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My first ever game name was Elavira. And then it turned into Lavira. And then Lavire. But now, from most of the games I play, I'm called Vira (which is basically just a nick-nick-name for me). :)


Shattered_Ribbon is something I came up with a long time ago. When I actually had the dream to become a writer, it was the title of a story I was writing. I thought it sounded pretty neat, so it's my Forum name here. ^^

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Lols... yes Levy, sweet and simple :)


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I think i got mine off of Gaia actually. One of the NPC people is named Moira, but of course that's always taken. So i tried Moyra. It worked. The X is just for when Moyra is taken. Though Moyra is a new name. I'm normally WickedIsis ;)

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Lols... Zelda shivers I remember playing that on Game Boy hehe. I figured your one Dillon :P

Wow your super smart.


Most people wouldnt be able to figure it out :wub_anim:

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Ohh chucks thanks Dillon :P


What about demoton? Where did that come from?

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Demoton that came outta no were.


I created a neopets account demton

and i forgot the password to it and the email is not around anymore.


so i decided demoton

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Mine was actually based on a bit of joking around I did a million years ago.

You see, back when men were men and dirt was dirt and TDN wasn't that very popular and was only known through this link on PPT, all TDN did was post unreleased news, along with a couple of cheap guides on the side. When you clicked on the comments section, instead of taking you to the forums a little box appeared. It was free for everyone to leave their name in one place and their opinions on another. I loved posting comments. It wasn't the forums, but it was much more random. In addition to posting my name and opinoin, I would also post randomness/enthusiastic opinions under varied alias. The names would vary, from "nobody" to "that guy behind you," "needssomesalt" to "Oh." Some even had their own personalities, and yup, one of those was "revenge," who would leave screams and rants about evilly taking over the world. A DOOM prototype, as one could put it these days.

When I joined the forums I thought of using one of the names I came up with earlier, and Revenge had my favorite persona, and was the coolest sounding to boot. When I rejoined I decided to keep the name so people that knew me then would recognize me.

So basically it was all random, I guess...

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Its not a big deal for me, I used to use a forum alias a while back but got bored with it. Plus, using my real name clears any possible confusion.

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Xepha - Name of a planet in a novel I started when I was 14. Never finished it... but I get all my nicknames from it ;o. It was made with random letters, to be honest. I picked some consonent and added letters. And it made 'Xepha' which isn't said "Zayfah" by the way... but English people can't say it correctly.


Other than that, people are calling me V. because my name is Véronique and that is also too complicated to say for English people... so it's just V!

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My display name is my second name... I prefer it to my first name, which I hardly use lol


As for my Neo username - 'id' stands for identity, and the 24 just got tacked on because when I first created an email address with it the number I wanted was taken ;)

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I know a friend who couldn't pronounce Oui, thought it was 'oh-wee'. He was playing chess online with this French kid and that kid got real mad and started yelling at him. (My friend doesn't know French curse words, but it was clear that this kid was cussing.)

In German its pronounced Ik-say-fa

(So I guess we English Speakers somehow turned it into Zeh-fa)

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it's not that hard... it sounds similar, but there is a difference :O


I agree with Levy I thought it would have been pronouced X-say-fa or Ik-say-fa ?? I never pronounced it Zeh-fa :S

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Ashley Rose-Well that's my first and middle name.....now my username livelovelaughalot, well when I had made the account the saying "live love laugh" was my favorite saying at the time, and livelovelaugh was taken so I just added the "alot" to the end :)

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