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Industry has been fixed - we still need somebody on transport.

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1 person added, but it appears that now we need a touch more on industry. :yes:


I accidentally added population today, but we really need some people to visit Industry and Transport soon. Unemployment is at 5%, while Transport is down to 96%, so if some people could help fix this up, that would be great :D


13 April: A new factory has just opened.


just added to industry. Our transport and industry need tweaking attaching the status for your decision making :P



Rank 529

Population 243

Unemployment 5 %

Transport 95 %


Yup. :yes: The industry and transport problems are blending together to create a series of power outages in some areas of the city, including the one which the radio station is in, which explains why we can't broadcast a news report. :P


Edit: Industry improved, but we're still having both unemployment and transport problems.


Unemployment is at 6% while Transport is down to 95%. If people could focus on these two aspects for the next couple of days, that would be much appreciated. It's what the city needs right now.


Right... I'll keep that in mind when I go to one of the computer labs in between classes tomorrow. :yes:


I just clicked on industry, but it's still at 6% and transport has fallen to 94% Start clicking on transport and industry everyone. We are ranked 508 now though, which is cool, but it would be better if it was 508 with an economy that wasn't falling apart :)


Population 256

Revenues 54150 €

Unemployment 7 %

Transport 94 %

Criminality 0 %

Pollution 0 %


We really need some people to click the one of the bolded areas once a day for the next few days. Everyone in the town is screaming and running around in circles because their economy is falling apart. :(


Right well I am having some errors with my click :( seems this pops up everytime "Error : mysql@request" So I will have to try again later, but come one people click on INDUSTRY and TRANSPORT we are falling apart :(


Our community is not exactly falling apart, we're just having some problems at the moment.


Once we fix those problems up we'll be back on track and we can expand some more.


Ranked 487 - YAY we made it into the top 500 :D


Population 259

Unemployment 4%

Transport 93%

Revenue 55,350 €


Well I clicked Industry, but I think some people need to click Transport!!!


14 April: The transport network of TDN Forums has been improved.


Population 259

Unemployment 4 %

Transport 95 %


would be prudent to have more clicks into industry and transport


Population 259

Revenues 55350 €

Unemployment 4 %

Transport 97 %

Criminality 0 %

Pollution 0 %


Transport is almost fixed, so at least things are improving.


Well I'm going to get a special news report on all this ready, but right now I have to wait until the economists to stop screaming 'I told you so!'. :P


I just did my 2nd click on industry for the day. I was well enough to go to school today, though just barely (being sick is so cruddy). So I should be able to continue with my 2+ industry clicks a day. Currently we are at:


Population 261

Revenues 56150 €

Unemployment 3 %

Transport 98 %

Rank 480


Population 263

Revenues 56,700 €

Unemployment 2%

Transport 97%

Rank 474


Well we are sort of getting back onto track, a few more clicks for industry and transport and we should be back up and running. I think there must be other people asides from us clicking on our city now!


Population 265

Revenues 57,250 €

Unemployment 2%

Transport 100%

Rank 473


So a couple more clicks on industry and we'll be back on track. Oh, and it currently takes 302 people to get in the top 400, so we don't have far to go!


Population 269

Revenues 57,850 €

Unemployment 3%

Transport 99%

Rank 463


Well that just sucks... I clicked on industry!! Come one people we are losing revenue here!!


Ranked 463

Population 269

Revenues 58100 €

Unemployment 2 %

Transport 99 %

Criminality 0 %

Pollution 0 %


Meep! A couple of clicks on industry and transport and we'll be back on track! :P


You have to go to the first post and click on the industry link. If it is not working, you will have to wait for awhile.


Sorry guys I was away on "special mayor business", but I'm back now.


By the way, I just clicked Industry then and saw:

Unemployment 0%

Transport 100 %


The crisis is over! We've worked together as a community to fix our city's problems which just proves that nothing can stop TDN Forums! Great work guys :D

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