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This contest is going better than I expected. :yes: I guess Cameron should come and set a closing date sometime...

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*wipes dust away* MoTA has gone a bit quiet recently. I'm perfectly content with waiting, but I just wanted to bump this so that nobody forgot about it :D


Post away people!

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Announcement: The closing date for the MoTA weapons design contest has been set! You have until April 19th to submit any and all remaining entries! After that, the official contest will begin in all its officiousness! :D

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Yay, an official starting date. Now I'm holding you guys to your word about this, so don't forget! :)

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Well it all really depends on Cameron giving me the go ahead, so you can go ahead and blame him if we're late. :P

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*wipes dust away* MoTA has gone a bit quiet recently. I'm perfectly content with waiting, but I just wanted to bump this so that nobody forgot about it :D


I don't mind it being this quiet. =) Not to say it in a bad way.

Around next month or so, I get ready for finals, and by then, I'll be super busy. I probably won't be able to get on at all until they are all over. So I'm crossing my fingers that the actual strategy-thinking, problem solving part of MoTA doesn't start until June. =]

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Well you only need to get one once a week to PM in your move - you could just arrange for your team-mates to send you the move you want to make if you don't have time to discuss with them. :yes:

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Well we'll see how useful it will be once I've finished messing around with the terrain. :evil:


Kidding, kidding.

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Wow! Excellent! :D


Not to cap creative ideas or anything, but we do need a couple more gauntlet drawings. :P


Tip: The MoTA weapons aren't really that strict to their real-world definitions. The gauntlet could just be a piece of armour to protect the forearm or something like that if a glove is too difficult. :yes:

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Great entries everyone! :yes: Especially the animated one... if only it was a bit bigger. Xepha's looks great as well!


Well, everyone seems to be doing it, so:




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Gauntlet ________

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Hah! Beat that!

Oh, wait. You already have.


Edit: Those turned out even worse than I expected, due to the different fonts. Never mind.

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AA3 actually did a pretty good design for the staff on paper. :yes: Maybe I'll go and force him to post it here. :P

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Great entries everyone! smile_anim.gif Especially the animated one... if only it was a bit bigger. Xepha's looks great as well!

Bigger? It started off bigger xD But I thought the orb should be small so I shrunk it lol I might still have the large version...

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A smaller version of the orb makes things easier for me, since I have to squeeze the weapon graphics into tiny little player icons. :yes:

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The official MOTA Weapon Design Contest has now closed! Thank you for all your entries, please keep in mind that we may not pick someone's design for every weapon. Some users may also receive an Effort Prize even if they do not get their artwork chosen! I apologise (profusely) for being away for...weeks... However, I hope you will be please to know that my exams are over for 2 more school terms, and I have a two week holiday to get this thing rollin'! Many, many thanks to Theo for stopping this contest from going under while I was away.



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Well, the judging results are in! Cameron (me) and Jasper (Teardrop/AA3) have judged your pieces and you have all been marked accordingly. The top piece for each category wins 3 mastery points for the artist and a chance to get featured in MoTA! Also, all entries that do not win have a chance to get an Effort Prize of 10 speed points for the first round. Ties were decided between Theo, Jasper and I. The next story chapter is on it's way! Th wnners need to fill out the MP form at the bottom of this post.




-> Meeptroid

Cameron: Interesting design. The ruby at the tip of the handle works well, as does the well-executed dragon's eye. The ball on its top is, however, a bit bland. Despite this, the green contrasts nicely with the blue and the varying shades help improve it's looks. The design of its podium is well executed also. Unfortunately, I really can't say I like the yellowy-brown you chose for the main colour. It conflicts with the red and is almost ugly. Also, I think a bit more decoration on the shaft would be nice. Despite this critisizm, this is overall a very solid entry :) . 7/10


Jasper: It looks a bit short. I know it's not the long type you stand on the ground, but still, it's short. The thing on top might have been something different, but it's nice overall, especially for something done with MS Paint. 7.5/10


Total Score: 14.5/20

Ranking: 1/2



-> Hamlads1


Cameron: Pretty texturing, however it IS a walking cane XD. The form, design and aesthetic presentation need work too. 3/10


Jasper: The staff is a bit fat for my taste. The texturing is interesting but incongruous with real wood/. It could be made more flashy, as we are talking about a well-funded mage school here, not an old hermit living on a faraway mountaintop. This is a single but very major flaw. 5/10


Total Score: 8/20

Ranking: 2/2





-> Isabel


Cameron: Wonderfully drawn, nice detail and obviously done with care. My only issues are that it has almost no relation to magic at all and is more a glove than something your could attack with. However, the simply wonderful rendering adds greatly to this submission :) . 7/10


Jasper: It might have looked nice but for two big reasons. Firstly, the sketchy look. I know it can't be helped, but the whole thing looks like it needs more solid lines. Second, the shape of the hand. I take it that that's supposed to be a fist, in which case the fingers should curve around solidly and fill in the large gap in the middle. Even if it isn't a fist, the fingers should be thicker unless your wearer is a stereotypical 'Grand Vizier'. The thumb should be wider at the base (though that's a minute problem). I give you this score because I couldn't have done anything close to that myself, and since there are no other entries I'll assume that this is above average, giving you the benefit of the doubt. 8/10


Total Score: 15/20

Ranking: 1/1





-> Meeptroid


Cameron: Gorgeous colour, perfect circle, excellent lighting effects. I absolutely LOVE the texturing you used here. It looks realistic and is an awesome entry. To improve, perhaps a little more decoration or something added such as a stand, outer ring (think Saturn), glow, etc. Quality, quality orb. 9/10


Jasper: The texture is great, overall, except looking a bit evil. Magic-users are not evil... most of the time. The white bit could have been done better - it looks oily, and the spot itself could be brighter and more well-defined. /10

Total Score: 19/20

Ranking: 3/4



-> Hamlads1


Cameron: The inner oval-things look nice, however it looks a bit like a cookie ;P. Needs more detail and lighting :). 3/10


Jasper: While I'm sure you put a lot of effort into it, particularly the randomly spaced and stretched bits of ice and wet seaweed, one thing cannot be ignored. The whole thing looks flat as a sheet of rice paper - if not flatter. The lack of a border results in the effect of an orange-brown paper covered with dots of dirt and overlayered by a sheet of white paper with a round hole in it. 5/10

Total Score: 8/20

Ranking: 4/4

-> Xepha


Cameron: This orb is just glorious...the effects, glow and colour suck me in. There isn't much else to say other than I'm totally hooked on this thing. 10/10


Jasper: Excellent shading and texture, but needs to look more 3D. It looks like you're looking through a microscope slide. The large size is good, though. 9/10

Total Score: 19/20

Ranking: 1/4



-> Isabel


Cameron: Nice colour and design, you definately get credit for the animation idea, despite the fact we would only be able to choose one of the frames. Intricately textured and well presented. 10/10


Jasper: The only one with animation! Simple, with quite good shading. It would look like the moon but the dark parts move about, like fog. My main grievance is that the frames are so far apart. It would look better if it was smoother. 9/10

Total Score: 19/20

Ranking: 2/4




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It's been a while ago... so I think I'll have to re-read a few messages on this board before spending the points that I earned! YAY I won something!


Also, congrats to everybody! ;D

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