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False, because the person below the person below you would have to be me:

person below me= ???

person below you= me

person below the person below you= ???


TPBM has beef jerky.


No. I was the one with beef jerky. :P

Duskitty: At least you understood it. Most people won't. (At least when it's spoken instead of written)


TPBM is technologically challenged.


True, but that was back in 4th grade. (Long story.)


The person below me has received an out-of-school suspension before.


False, thankfully. I don't think I could imagine living life without milk or yogurt or ice cream.


The person below me is a vegetarian.


False. Today I watched a documentary that made me want to be one, though.


TPBM has eaten escargot.




The person below me's username WAS Indiana Freakin' Jones. But now they changed it and I can't find them!


And if you're there, I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!


Lol not me. And welcome baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack !


TPBL lives on Earth


No , I live in the Andromeda Galaxy. (:

(btw, heytheregirl17, I'm Indiana Freakin' Jones/Duskitty. xD)

TPBM has more than 2 neopets.


True. I have 7, 6 of which are permies. 1 is a lab rat.


TPBM is done with school.

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