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140,000 Posts! [Updated 3/2/2008]


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@Revenge: That's the spirit! Just make sure you don't spam....much :P *rushes off to post more*

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Oh sheesh. I remember when we got all worked up over having 5k posts. Now it's 140k.


Time flies fast. o_O

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Especially when you throw your watch across the room. :P


But we are making time fly faster by posting more. :yes:

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Posting more is good, hooray for posting!


Wouldn't it be funny/cool if the 150kth post happened in this topic? It could happen accidentally :P

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Or it could happen if we time it properly. Anybody volunteering to keep a lookout? (:

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Well I check the total posts every now and then, so if I see it reach 150k posts I'll definitely post it here. But if I see it, I see it, chances are I wont though :P

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Same here... oh well, we're all contributing to the post count anyway. :yes:

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That's true, every post here and around the forums (no matter how random it is :P) is raising that post count. But I suppose we should focus more on each individual post and what they say instead of just the number. Still, 150k here we come!

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Well worrying about your own individual post count is one thing, but I'm sure contributing to the forums' overall post count is a good thing to be concerned about. :P

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I suppose that is true. Each post is contributing to the overall gain of the forums. 150k is slowly getting closer...

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As of the time of this post we are at 142,229 posts - slower than I anticipated, but still a considerable pace. :yes:

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It's still pretty fast. I mean we don't have that many active members, but the ones who are very active (you know who you are) are making a great effort to increase the post count. The current plot and Daily Dare is probably helping the speed as well, because it gives everyone something to talk about.

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Yay, I know who I am! :P


I've just realised that I'm still managing to stay ahead of Dillon in terms of post rate. :D

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I think I'm ahead of him as well in post rate. In post count however, hes ahead by like 2000 posts :P


Between you and me in post rate, it varies from day to day, but mostly you are doing more than I am.

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Well I can only get online for about three hours a day, so I'd say my post rate is pretty decent. :yes:

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My rate varies from day to day depending on what's going on, who's online and posting etc.


But on most days it's pretty high and as a result, usually either yourself or I lead the today's top poster list.

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Well at the moment, I'm heading it. :P It often occurs to me that a bit of competitive posting is actually quite healthy for a forum's activity...

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While that is true, the only competitive posting happening recently is between us. If other people joined and tried to topple our stranglehold over the today's top posters list then activity would probably be improved a fair amount.


Also, the reason you are leading is because you post so fast :P

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Well I am using the latest Firefox 3 beta, so that might explain the speed. :P

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I was using the Beta, but I've decided to go back to the current version because of compatibility issues and the like.


I still post reasonably fast with this version though.

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Honestly Firefox 2 feels rather unstable and clunky after using Firefox 3 for a while. :yes:

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I felt differently when using FF3, but I suppose I'm used to FF2. Of course, when the real version of FF3 comes out I'll probably change over for good then.

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Eh... this is getting a little off topic.


So, any estimates on how long it will take to hit 150k?

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Lol, it was pretty off topic


I hope by the end of the month, but that might be too big of an expectation. I'd hope we'd have reached it at least by the end of April or sometime around then.

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I estimate that we'll hit 150k sometime around mid-April if we keep up our current post rate. :yes:

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