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Feel like i'm beating a dead drum here.  I was so looking forward to charity corner.  It takes forever.  The points don't add up.  Will they in the end?  Should i keep putting things in there?  Should I give up?  Should I wait until they fix it?  What are other people doing?

thank you for your time

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Per the reason above, this topic has been MOVED from TDN Questions to Neopets Help.


CC is being glitchy for me today, but it was working for the first couple days. Although when you click on the slot to see how many points you supposedly got, it isn't always correct, but if you refresh the page and then click on the yellow-orange button on the upper right corner of the "Declutter machine", then it should tell you your updated points total. Hope that helps!


The event ends on the 20th at midnight. An updated way to donate is coming on Monday.

No one here knows the value of your time, so only you can decide if you want to keep at it or not ? 


If you want to know how the rest of use feel about this year's Charity Corner, you can always read (and join in on) this thread. :smile: (You will also find some answers there about why the points don't seem to add up. But don't worry, you're getting all the points. ?)

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