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Can you actually do anything with the shiny obsidian from the quarry?? I thought it was maybe part of a plot that I missed out on, but now it seems i'm just collecting to get closer to getting the "Rubbish" avvie. ?

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Obsidian is mainly used to create the Moltara petpets but it can also be food for Grarrls and Skeiths. At the moment it can be donated to this year's Charity Corner for 1 point each if petpets aren't your thing.

7 hours ago, Steve said:

Obsidian is mainly used to create the Moltara petpets but it can also be food for Grarrls and Skeiths. At the moment it can be donated to this year's Charity Corner for 1 point each if petpets aren't your thing.

oooh I had no idea about the petpets! thanks, Steve! 


Correction, it -was- used to get petpets.   The Shiny Obsidian is easy to get.  The red rock, whatever it's called, isn't too tough once you know what you're doing, but is tedious.    The gears, however, apparently no longer drop, and so prices for them have gone up up up.   So you -can- still get the pet pets, if you really want.   But not really worth it.

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