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Hello guys ! 

I'm a fresh new neopets player, so still learning how it all works. Received a visit of the Dark Faerie earlier, asking me for an item, and I can't remember the name of it, hence my question : Is there a Quest LOg somewhere of which I can check my current quests and find out which item to look for ? 

Thanks ? 


Hi Liisra!

To expand on what discobiscuit said, sometimes you don't know you're on a quest because you miss the "something has happened" notification, so it's a good idea to check in at the Faerie Quests every now and again to make sure you're not.

Sometimes I don't know I've been given a quest until I try to use the shop Wizard, and he gives me that condescending look he wears in this situation, and I have to go away again. ?

Oh, and yeah, you'll not be able to use him to find the quest item (have you checked out the Shop Wiz at all yet?)

BUT, we're here to help with quests! We've got a thread dedicated solely to that. Here 'tis -

If you post what you need in there one of us will check the Shop Wiz out for ya. ?

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