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Something has happened! 1000neopoints.gif Congratulations, crudlle, you just found 1000 Neopoints on the floor!!!

Not bad :D Found it at the Council Chamber site.


Something has happened! 750neopoints.gif Congratulations, pixelart150, you just found 750 Neopoints on the floor!!!


Found it while playing Pick Your Own. First time I get so much lol :)


Something has happened!100neopoints.gifSome messy person has spilled 100 Neopoints on the floor on this page. You hastily pick them up!



Happened while I was playing Pyramids :)




EDIT: whoa, I just got another RE. This is weird. I never get this many, no matter how useless they are XD.


Something has happened! moncer.gif The Monocerous roars 'Once I ate 16 Jub Jubs in a week!'



You find a mystical codestone on the floor!


I'm not really sure if these Codestone REs really love me or not. This occurred at the Money Tree earlier.


Something has happened! jubjub_maraquan_sad.gif IinDigoo has suddenly come down with a bad case of Neopox!!!


Got it while refreshing for the Chokato avatar.


Something has happened! lildragon.gif A dragon flies past overhead, he is headed to theMystery Island.

Man, I'm getting a lot of these REs today. I wish they were Codestone REs though x). I really need them for training - I'm hoping that there'll be a Plot coming soon with some Battledome stuff. :)


Something has happened! blackpteri.gif The Black Pteri sits on a fence post howling doom and misery for all to hear...


I also got him as a battledome challenger just now.


Something has happened! 1000neopoints.gif Congratulations, woodnymph095, you just found 1000 Neopoints on the floor!!!

I found this whilst donating at the ALP shop :D Karma?


Something has happened! codestone1.gif You find a mystical codestone on the floor!



I was on my way to go try my hand (for the first time) at restocking :D



Your shop has suddenly increased in size! Wonder how that happened.


I never really pay for shop upgrades, but this free size upgrade could come in handy for mass-stocking Faerie Quest goods when next February comes around. :)



A Scorchio in a pointy, purple hat hands you a Trading Card and says, "This will be a nice addition to your album!"


Something has happened! moncer.gif The Monocerous growls 'Over the last month I have eaten 43 Wockys'

Good for you.



Congratulations, neoking2002_neo, you just found 200 Neopoints on the floor!!!


Got this one at the Money Tree earlier. :)


How is it that i managed to get a Green Brightvale Job Coupon worth over 100kfrom the wheel of knowledge and then when i spend 100k on the wheel of extravagance i only get a blue job coupon worth 10k.



Nifuel has suddenly come down with a bad case of Itchy Scratchies!!!


Better buy some Itchy Scratchy Cream before Nifuel gets very ill.


Something has happened! icy_skeleton.gif Icy Skeletons surround you and steal 8Neopoints!


Wait, what the crap? Weren't these from a plot like 7 years ago?

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