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Something has happened!

You find a mystical codestone on the floor!


It was an Orn Codestone. Ironically, I got this RE just right after I won 171nps + 2 Lu Codestones from Tombola and went to check my inventory. :laughingsmiley:


There have been theories (which I consider quite likely to be true) that TNT has set things up so that newer members get better 'luck' (more random events, etc.) than older members. :yes: In any case, I haven't had any random events in the past few days.



I'm glad to hear that others feel that way too. I have been playing for 8-1/2 years and don't get any worthwhile RE. I have never found/been given a paint brush or had a Fountain Faerie quest.


I feel so left out when I see all these new accounts getting all the good stuff...sigh.


I'm glad to hear that others feel that way too. I have been playing for 8-1/2 years and don't get any worthwhile RE. I have never found/been given a paint brush or had a Fountain Faerie quest.


I feel so left out when I see all these new accounts getting all the good stuff...sigh.


i had to invest in something, blah blah blah


but it's not true, it's just a fact that new accounts tend to explore more, and refresh more because of that, so they get more RE's


Something has happened!

A Blue Shoyru zooms down from the sky and whizzes past your head!


Watch out, the sky is falling! Oh. Wait a sec. :P


Something has happened!

Vira laughs maniacally at you... 'Fancy a fight in the Battledome?'


Ha d a pretty lucky day the other day which is nice cause I have had like no random events in a month or so! My random events were finding a codestone and a 7th birthday goodie bag. Does anyone know what's in it?



For a lost tooth, the tooth faerie gives you 166 Neopoints!!!


Happened when I wanted to heal my pets, I don't mind some extra Neopoints from the Tooth Faerie. ^_^


Something has happened!

A Ghost takes 100 Neopoints from you and puts it on the money tree!


gah! :( at least its not more than that, although still wishing for the kadoatie steal :P


i had to invest in something, blah blah blah


but it's not true, it's just a fact that new accounts tend to explore more, and refresh more because of that, so they get more RE's


I don't mind investing in anything. In fact, I have worked hard for all my NP's and items. I was simply stating that in 8-1/2 years you would think I would have had at least one incredible RE or Fountain Faerie Quest. Simple as that.


Something has happened!

Congratulations, xxxxxxx_xxxxx, you just found 100 Neopoints on the floor!


Got this when I was putting up a trade.


20 NPs


"All your Neopoints have been stolen, and all your items, and all your pets are sick, and your stocks have ... oh wait, it was just a horrible, horrible dream."


The Grundo Leader attacks!!! He steals Pirate Attack Stamp

oh well it's not like I was going to do something with that stamp or anything



For a lost tooth, the tooth faerie gives you 256 Neopoints!!!


This happened when I was trying to complete some more of the Games Master Challenge.


Something has happened!

100neopoints.gifCongratulations, lisauntie, you just found 100 Neopoints on the floor!


yay for free np



You find a piece of the Secret Petpet Laboratory Map!


I have too many spare map pieces for this one. I need Secret Lab Map pieces, not these Petpet Lab Map pieces.

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