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Something has happened!

The Lava Ghoul floats on this page and looks at you menacingly! I think you were lucky this time...


Whatever that's supposed to mean...


Found 20 NP on the floor /:


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Something has happened!

Some messy person has spilled 100 Neopoints on the floor on this

page. You hastily pick them up!


(I got this while checking on what was in my inventory.)




Something has happened!

Congratulations, geoterza, you just found 100 Neopoints on the floor!


(I got this an hour later at the Auction Genie page.)



You find a mystical codestone on the floor!


When I wanted to play Bouncy Supreme today.


Got my first Battle Faerie Quest! ^_^


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Something has happened!

Some messy person has spilled 100 Neopoints on the floor on this page. You hastily pick them up!

Something has happened!

Wow! The Collectable Card '00 Hog' has magically found its way into your NeoDeck!

Something has happened!

Brrrrrr, it's cold in here!


Wow, three random events within a few minutes.


A mutant Grundo creeped up on me while I was playing Pyramids and told me he had to fetch Neopets for his master. Then I found 50 NeoPoints. It was fun times.


Just had 7 random events in a row :S :S :S SCARY!!! got 50NP in one 100Np in another (funnily enough it was on the shop of offers page wheres I got 50 Np with that) and then the others were nothing lol :)


Something has happened!

The incessant mewing of a Mutant Kadoatie drives you completely mad, and you give its owner 5,000 Neopoints to take it away.


You jinxed it neoman xD



A green scorchio flies past and says 'Hope you are having fun!'


Happened when I was entering the Healing Springs earlier. We all get our pointless ones, which I prefer over bad events.

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