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Guest gabbyrahwr

Something has happened!

SLOTH FIRES HIS RAY GUN AT YOU!!! Your Smoke Mote is turned into a mound of sludge!





Thanksss, Slothie. )8 Not that I didn't have a hundred already.

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Something has happened!: Your Neopets stomach is rumbling.... I think they would like a Cheesy Popcorn! You better buy one for them :)


This always happens when my Neopets aren't even hungry at all. Another worthless event...


...and here's another one.



Something has happened!: A red poogle hops past and says 'Hi!'
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Something has happened!

Your shop has suddenly increased in size! Wonder how that happened.


I love this RE, though I don't get it often. :D

I'd never heard of that one before, Spritzie! that's pretty nifty




as for me, I got a Light Faerie Quest just a few minutes ago (while I was finally collecting my Codestone avatar. yay!). snagged an Undead Cybunny card for 1k and now Sterlyng's back to level 9! actually... all of my pets are level 9 now LOL

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Something has happened!: The Black Pteri sits on a fence post howling doom and misery for all to hear...


Strange, and I already have the Black Pteri as an unlockable opponent.

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My day has barely started - but I already had a couple of good REs :





A FQ is always a great way to start and later, while I was playing NQ II,




which is really sad. Pointless REs are so depressing. Although, I think someone must have been looking out for me, because a couple of minutes later I got this one:




Which, from what I've gathered, should sell pretty well, so I'm happy!

Hopefully, since I'll play NQ II some more today, I'll get a few other nice surprises!

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The Battle Faerie appears before you. "Neopian, I need your aid. My spell lacks Lenny Healing Stone."


Never had a Battle Faerie quest before but great way to start off~


Edit: Bravely done. This item is just what I needed.

For your efforts, Aeylinaia's defence, strength, and health have increased!



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Something has happened!

A green scorchio flies past and says 'Hope you are having fun!'


seeing as im ignoring my anthropology article im suppose to be reading, yes, yes i am having fun! :)



Something has happened!

SLOTH FIRES HIS RAY GUN AT YOU!!! Your Goparokko Crunch Cereal is turned into a mound of sludge!


well that wasnt very nice!

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Something has happened! Icy Skeletons surround you and steal 7 Neopoints!


Still, Seven mere Neopoints is not too big a loss in my opinion. :P

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