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You are currently on a quest for a Water Faerie.
I knew it. The task was too difficult. It takes great wisdom to succeed on a quest for a Water Faerie.

You are supposed to bring me: boo_worstpoetry.gif
Poems to Rot Your Heart


You are currently on a quest for a Water Faerie.
I knew it. The task was too difficult. It takes great wisdom to succeed on a quest for a Water Faerie.


You are supposed to bring me: boo_worstpoetry.gif

Poems to Rot Your Heart


magik0850 Poems to Rot Your Heart 1 1,800 NP ms_pheo Poems to Rot Your Heart 5 3,997 NP veroncio Poems to Rot Your Heart 1 1,499 NP duong9 Poems to Rot Your Heart 1 1,600 NP damiont42 Poems to Rot Your Heart 1 1,795 NP dogcrazy04140 Poems to Rot Your Heart 1 1,800 NP
You are currently on a quest for the Battle Faerie.
Don't lock your knees when you fight! What do you mean, JubJubs don't have knees? Ahem. Have you found my item yet, Neopian?

You are supposed to bring me:
Gruish Melon Plushie
Yay! Any help?

Thanks for the help!!

For your efforts, Xandelus's health has increased!
and also:
Haven't found it yet? Why does that not surprise me? *fingers tapping*

You are supposed to bring me:

Present Blocks
You are currently on a quest for an Earth Faerie.
Back already? Oh, you haven't found it yet. Not to worry; I can wait a little longer.

You are supposed to bring me: pot_waterfaerietears.gif
Tears of the Water Faerie
You are currently on a quest for a Water Faerie.
Don't give up yet! Encountering a little trouble doesn't mean that you should abandon your quest for wisdom entirely.

You are supposed to bring me: book_techocarguide.gif
Techo Says - The Book

Back already? Oh, you haven't found it yet. Not to worry; I can wait a little longer.


You are supposed to bring me: starlight.gif

Starlight Potion

Starlight Potion:

hzhzhz1 Starlight Potion 1 600 NP

holleyb26 Starlight Potion 2 750 NP

hankhillpropane Starlight Potion 6 850 NP

ha_ha_i_have_krawk_3 Starlight Potion 5 1,000 NP


could someone please look up Brown Winter Scarf for me?

Brown Winter Scarf:

lyla_harry Brown Winter Scarf 1 890 NP

lupe691 Brown Winter Scarf 1 900 NP

landiekate Brown Winter Scarf 1 1,000 NP

luckofthedragon Brown Winter Scarf 1 1,300 NP

lisaacloud Brown Winter Scarf 8 1,388 NP



You are currently on a quest for a Water Faerie.
Don't give up yet! Encountering a little trouble doesn't mean that you should abandon your quest for wisdom entirely.


You are supposed to bring me: book_techocarguide.gif

Techo Says - The Book


Techo Says - The Book:

jackelopeful Techo Says - The Book 1 1,500 NP

jmbrickn Techo Says - The Book 1 1,588 NP

justplainboringg Techo Says - The Book 5 1,801 NP

jetcitywoman13 Techo Says - The Book 4 1,998 NP



Can someone look up

Blumaroo Gnome-in-the-box for me?


Blumaroo Gnome-in-the-box:

pet2pamper2 Blumaroo Gnome-in-the-box 1 2,290 NP

petitekisa Blumaroo Gnome-in-the-box 1 2,399 NP

crushed677 Blumaroo Gnome-in-the-box 1 3,999 NP

packettracer Blumaroo Gnome-in-the-box 3 4,200 NP



The ambassador is here? Tell him I'm not in! Ahem. Neopian, please find my item soon.

You are supposed to bring me: plu_bruce_faerie.gif
Faerie Bruce Plushie


Eh, I went for it. The collective stat increase would probably be cheaper than training each individually. Or so I will be telling myself ^^; Thank you!!

For your efforts, Xandelus's level, strength, and health have increased -- a lot!

You are currently on a quest for an Earth Faerie.
It takes more than sun and rain to make a garden, you know. You do have to dig a little.

You are supposed to bring me: blind.gif
Stream of Light

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