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Faerie Quest Help


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Good luck finding my item! I'm sure you'll do fine.


You are supposed to bring me:


Pink Toothbrush

Pink Toothbrush:


jordanzmommy143 Pink Toothbrush 6 1,300 NP

wonko042 Pink Toothbrush 1 2,200 NP

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urrently on a quest for a Water Faerie.
Don't give up yet! Encountering a little trouble doesn't mean that you should abandon your quest for wisdom entirely.

You are supposed to bring me: book_stayfit.gif
How to Stay Fit
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You are currently on a quest for a Dark Faerie.



Haven't found it yet? Why does that not surprise me? *fingers tapping*

You are supposed to bring me:


toy_tencals_balloon.gifTencals Balloon


http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=leslieminghimlau&buy_obj_info_id=48478&buy_cost_neopoints=3999 (1 in stock)


http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=pandorap9&buy_obj_info_id=48478&buy_cost_neopoints=4999 (2 in stock)


Mm I do love dark faerie quests right now =)

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It takes more than sun and rain to make a garden, you know. You do have to dig a little.


You are supposed to bring me: cloudspell.gif

Nanka Bottle


That ought to be a cheap one :)

Nanka Bottle sellers:


add_jubjub 7 299 NP lagataprincess 1 300 NP stippeltje42 3 335 NP faerieempress 106 349 NP


Yep, cheap :) the 4th one has 106, so that ought to cover it.

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Steam Jug on SSW:

ajscores 10 800 NP

gardinia150 2 800 NP

teleutemania 5 820 NP


Hope that helps! :)



Now it's my turn to ask I guess :P


Haven't you left yet? This quest is very important. I can guarantee you won't find my item around here...

You are supposed to bring me:


Techo Nail Clippers

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Steam Jug on SSW:

ajscores 10 800 NP

gardinia150 2 800 NP

teleutemania 5 820 NP


Hope that helps! :)



Now it's my turn to ask I guess :P


Haven't you left yet? This quest is very important. I can guarantee you won't find my item around here...


You are supposed to bring me:


Techo Nail Clippers


Techo nail clippers coming right up!

mayhunt 1 11,998 NP botamius 2 12,000 NP flyingpurplegiraffe 1 13,990 NP kuroiki 2 15,000 NP


Eep. Not the best you could hope for.

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You are currently on a quest for a Dark Faerie.
Ah, the Neopian returns without my item. Clearly you want me to turn you into a Blechy.

You are supposed to bring me: fakeunihat.gif
100 Percent Fake Uni mask
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ou are currently on a quest for the Battle Faerie.
Don't lock your knees when you fight! What do you mean, JubJubs don't have knees? Ahem. Have you found my item yet, Neopian?

You are supposed to bring me: klf_kiko_icecreamcone_mint.gif
Mint Kiko Ice Cream Cone
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can someone please help me find a purple glittery soap.. the grooming parlor has them for cheap but second they appear they are all ready all gone?

Purple Glittery Soap:


miintt Purple Glittery Soap 3 17,000 NP

The reason they disappear so soon is because restockers are snagging them and reselling them in their shops for much higher prices. I`d try restocking for this one- if you`re good at it, that is.

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