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Queen Fyora asked me for Chocolate Honey Buzz Bar

can some1 help?

i hope it is not too expensive..


It's not too bad for Queen Fyora:


Shop Owner Item Stock Price

yodanicky Chocolate Honey Buzz Bar 1 4,777 NP

yango_mago_oscuro Chocolate Honey Buzz Bar 1 4,999 NP


Shop Owner Item Stock Price

spektra7 Magic Foam Balls 1 695 NP

surfing_babe9652358 Magic Foam Balls 3 699 NP

suja09 Magic Foam Balls 15 700 NP

reneemichele Magic Foam Balls 1 800 NP


Maybe someone can find a better price for a snoogy using the SSW?


Shop Owner Item Stock Price

tctf30 Snoogy 1 7,886 NP

alphie81 Snoogy 1 9,490 NP

giuliaemel Snoogy 1 9,500 NP

anga1 Snoogy 1 9,990 NP


Can someone tell me where the cheapest Jewelled Collar is? thank you!


Let's see... Jewelled Collar for 225 NP here and here.

Also here and here for 250 NP each! Hope that helps.


Let's see... Jewelled Collar for 225 NP here and here.

Also here and here for 250 NP each! Hope that helps.


Thank you so much! =D


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Faerie Queen wants Agogo Bells, thanks!

I actually went and bought it for you :)


I'm looking for Twirly Fruit Flavoured Milk for Fyora. Thanks in advance for the help.


Here you go: 3.7K, 3.7K, and two others here and here for 3750 NP!


And yes, I do love that Battle Faerie! =D


I just got a quest from the dark faerie for Blue Yarn Ball. Thanks in advance for any help. :)


Blue Yarn Ball for 200 NP here! Also 240 NP and 244NP. You're quite welcome, and hope that helps!


Anyone want to help me find a Horned Hat for a Fire Faerie? I'd appreciate it! ^_^

Check your item transfers - the hat should be on its way. ;)


Brilliant light blinds you. As it fades, a Light Faerie says, "Thank goodness you're here! Please find me Chuffer Bob, kind Neopian."


Please help me! Thank you in advance!


I'm looking for Gog for a light faerie. thanks you very much!

One Gog trading card should be on its way to niceshotz97 as I type. Check your item transfers. ;)


thank you very very much! (:


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