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Faerie Quest Help


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Red Origami Gelert


Please and Thank you!


kame_16_4 Red Origami Gelert 1 500 NP

kirri_kat Red Origami Gelert 1 500 NP

xiaolier Red Origami Gelert 1 500 NP


This one is not very costly, you can find them at 500 NP over at the Shop Wizard.

If I find anything under 500 NP, I'll let you know.


EDIT: Found a cheaper one: http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=djlrow&buy_obj_info_id=31481&buy_cost_neopoints=490

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Pink Tiara --




That one's the cheapest. Also, there's no time limit for Fearie Quests ^_^

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Hi! Would anyone be able to find me a low price Pink Tiara, please?


Also, as an aside, is there a time limit on completing a faerie quest?


There is no time limit of completing a Faerie Quest.


Finding a cheap Pink Tiara is a challenge, it's usually a pretty costly item.





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Purple Glittery Soap:





A bit expensive for an Air Faerie quest!


Wow, thank you so much! That was fast! Even though the faerie says otherwise ...


Hmm, a little slow, but I can fix that. Thanks for finding it, anyway!


For your efforts, Peterkun's speed has increased!

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Thanks so much! :)


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Thank you for the help last time!

I have another!


Would someone be able to find me a relatively cheap 'Lustra the Golden Peophin'?


Thank you!


Neomysterion's here to help you out! Let's see here...






I'll edit this if I find a lower one, here you are. ^_^

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Neomysterion's here to help you out! Let's see here...






I'll edit this if I find a lower one, here you are. ^_^


Thanks so much! All sorted! ^_^


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hey all. got a new quest to find Disco Print Pillow ,any help would be nice :)


Eeep, an expensive item. D: I checked a number of times, this is the cheapest available.


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