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Just some good ol' St. Patrick's Day fun!

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Happy St. Patrick's Day! If you don't observe it, then Happy Day everyone! LOL

I thought I would share this. 6 years ago, the St. Patrick's Day after my dad passed. I received a dvd made from the ONLY surviving recording of my Dad, his brothers and my Grandfather, performing in a church basement of a rural Irish community in WI, back in 1984. It took me about 12 hours to cut it up into clips, and upload it to youtube, including video processing time because I couldn't add a description before that was done.
Anyway, the music selection is a mix of Irish, Folk and Western. Some things I'm sure were changed or tweaked a bit. That is the Nature of Folk music after all. Of the dozens of performances they did, this tape was the ONLY known to still exist. We don't know what happened to recording of other gigs at other places.
Anyway, I hope anyone checking it out enjoys the music, the fun and Grandpa's "Terrible" jokes. ;)

The Volume is pretty quiet, I didn't know how to amp the clips up when I cut up the video. So feel free to crank the volume on your device. There will be NO surprise increases of volume in any of the 25 vids! ~_^ Running time is about 90 or so minutes.


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