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This is a cheat I've wondered for years  whether it works for people other than me. I just thought it would be included in some guides if it was, but I've never found it. It has, however, made it possible for me to consistently score really high and my high score is something over 30000 points and I can get to the top scores quite easily. So, I really hope they won't disable this if neopets finds out and it is a glitch or something... 

Okay so the thing is, if you press the up arrow and left or right arrow simoultaneosly, the bear will munch the block without any bloat cost making it possible to move much farther without getting bloated. You probably will have to try many times until you get the timing right but when you do it's a lifesaver. 

So I'd ask if anyone would like to try if it works for them or if it's just me! I'd love to hear since I've been wondering for sooo long. Snowmuncher is one of my favorite games too :D


This sounds like a glitch to me and would be playing the game in a way it's not intended, which I believe is against neopets rules. I don't think you even should use it. You don't want to risk your account banned if they do find out!

No matter how tempting it seems to try it, I for one am not going to!


Yeah you're probably right. I discovered it when I was in middle school playing the game and just always thought it was a built in cheat, until I read guides and never read about it anywhere. It's sad since it would have been fun to have found a legit way to play! 


I went ahead and tested it out, but it didn't work for me. It just kept turning the polarchuck around in circles, lol. But I DID discover something else. When the polarchuck was diagonal from a gem or potion, I could press down + left/right to move diagonally and get it, without eating any of the blocks around it or gaining any bloat (as shown in the red circles). Not only did I get +100 points for the gem, but I also got +2 points from ??? who knows where (as shown in the yellow circles). I could only move diagonally into spaces with gems/potions though, not into spaces with regular blocks. 

SM1.jpg.d0024137d8c655b804000333118ddd8b.jpg SM2.jpg.21048ce50d6e5b08b9abaa749a49dbae.jpg

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