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As I have to start over with my neopets account, I'm trying to get as many avatars as possible (sadly many of the ones I had are retired now).
I was  trying to get the "battledome veteran" with an old neopet I had on a side account, (it had scores from the old bd, and didn't get the avatar on that account with that pet) but it didn't gave it to me.

Also I  tried to get the "hello little lupe" avatar, I fought and lost against Balthazar with my own lupe, lost against another lupe on a 2 player battle and lost again ghost lupe, but didn't get the avatar either, but it did gave me the Ghost Lupe avatar when I won.

I asked on neoboards and the answer was that 2 player avatars are not working right now, but I tried with 1 player battles and didn't get the avatar, so, are they not availiblre right now? or I'm just super unlucky :(?


I KNOW EXACTLY how you feel about that battledome veteran avatar and trophy.  When I first started my account back in 2008 with my, then 8 year old, son who also had an account, he used to always challenge me in the battledome.  The battledome was quite different back then, remember?  I hated battling.  However I am sooooooo grateful that he "forced" me to battle because that trophy and avatar are really the only items, other than it's age, that distinguish my account as a "vintage" account as opposed to a newbie account.  That being said, unfortunately, other than somehow getting your old account back, there is no way of getting that avatar/trophy again.  Using a pet from your old account does not matter.  There are a lot of older pets out there for adoption.  If getting one of those pets could get you a retired avatar, there wouldn't be too many out there, everyone would scroff them up.  

As far as the other avatars, I haven't heard anything.  I know the Defenders of Neopia Avatars are not available at this time, but the lupe avatar should be working.  I already have it, so I don't know.  Sorry I can't be of more help.

What is the issue with your old account? Password/birthday/frozen? You say you have one of the pets from a side account.  That means that side account is older, correct?  You should change that side account in to a main account as there are more perks/benefits to having an older account and use your new acct as a side acct.  


Oh I see, I'm going to keep trying getting the hello little lupe avatar then.
What happened to my main account, is still a mystery to me. I remember I could log in on July 2016, but then on August, Neopets changed my password (the password leaking issue) and didn't send me the mail telling me the reasons or the new password. When I tried to log in it was impossible, the forgot password mails didn't reach to me (they did on July). 

Then I waited almost a year with a ticket, and when they finally answerd me, they said my account was created when I was 12 years old so they couldn't keep my mail. Even when I gave them all the info possible, withouth a mail my account was lost forever (but as I said, my mail worked on July, so who knows the real reason).

The most painful lost was my royal UC cybunny, and the random contest avatar, but yes I'm on an old account (13 years, one of my sides) now. Not as old as the main (my main would be 17 years now).

19 minutes ago, wafflo said:

Oh I see, I'm going to keep trying getting the hello little lupe avatar then.
What happened to my main account, is still a mystery to me. I remember I could log in on July 2016, but then on August, Neopets changed my password (the password leaking issue) and didn't send me the mail telling me the reasons or the new password. When I tried to log in it was impossible, the forgot password mails didn't reach to me (they did on July). 

Then I waited almost a year with a ticket, and when they finally answerd me, they said my account was created when I was 12 years old so they couldn't keep my mail. Even when I gave them all the info possible, withouth a mail my account was lost forever (but as I said, my mail worked on July, so who knows the real reason).

The most painful lost was my royal UC cybunny, and the random contest avatar, but yes I'm on an old account (13 years, one of my sides) now. Not as old as the main (my main would be 17 years now).

Oh that's not right.  I would re submit a ticket as tnt has been taken over by yet another company.  I mean, they do still have the same idiots working for them, but I would give it a try anyway.  Can't hurt.  That isn't right that they change your password for your own protection because of THEIR OWN security breach, then can't let you back in to your acct.  That doesn't sit right with me.  They should be able to reset the password for every acct.  

Yes, you should use the 13 yr old acct for your main.  You will get more transfers, more NPs for food club if you do that, and other perks.  You can read the articles on TDN about perks of an older acct.  

Do you remember who it was at TNT that answered your ticket and told you all that junk about not being able to get your acct back for you?


So, here are the avatars that are not currently available in the Battledome:



Punchbag Sid

Possibly no longer available:

Battledome Veteran

Heermeedjet and Merouladen are unavailable, as the Defenders of Neopia (DoN) is down. DoN has been down, since the Battledome was in beta - a long time ago. If TNT ever gets DoN working again, then those avatars might be available. Punchbad Sid has not been seen in the Battledome, in a very long time. TNT said this in Neopian Times Editorial, Issue 710, 11th day of Celebrating, Y17, Question #4:


Is there any chance that Punchbag Sid can put in an appearance? TNT, the old team, used to have him show up every year or so. Would be nice to be able to get that rare avatar on this account... Sends the Neopian staff bags of popcorn... to eat or to string for Christmas decorations ~ platdragon
Yay! *starts to string along popcorn for decoration, gets bored and eats the popcorn instead* Hmm, we haven't been in touch with old Sid in a long time. He's not too good at returning phone calls, ya see, with the being a punchbag and all. Maybe the new year will inspire him to come out of hiding.

ref: http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&week=710

Please note, that was about 3 Christmases ago.

And they also said this in Neopian Times Editorial, Issue 634, 28th day of Awakening, Y16, Question #14:


Settle the debate, please! Is the Punchbag Sid avatar officially retired with the release of the new Battledome, or is that a work in progress? ~dragonstarrygrl

It's not retired, just not currently working due to a bug related to the new Battledome. Once we have that fixed, then Sid will return. :)

ref: http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&week=634

So, again, that was several years ago. As for Battledome Veteran, it might be possible to still get it. The pet would have had to battle in the old Battledome and not have been used to be awarded the avatar (as you have noted). However, I haven't seen anything confirming this - meaning a post, here, on TDN, or on the Neoboards.

All of the other Battledome avatars should be available. It's been awhile, but I believe I got the "Hello, little Lupe...BOOM!" by losing a battle in the 1 player Battledome with a Lupe I got from the Pound, or possibly a Neofriend let me borrow.


1 hour ago, Scoobert_Doo said:

So, here are the avatars that are not currently available in the Battledome:



Punchbag Sid

Possibly no longer available:

Battledome Veteran

Heermeedjet and Merouladen are unavailable, as the Defenders of Neopia (DoN) is down. DoN has been down, since the Battledome was in beta - a long time ago. If TNT ever gets DoN working again, then those avatars might be available. Punchbad Sid has not been seen in the Battledome, in a very long time. TNT said this in Neopian Times Editorial, Issue 710, 11th day of Celebrating, Y17, Question #4:

ref: http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&week=710

Please note, that was about 3 Christmases ago.

And they also said this in Neopian Times Editorial, Issue 634, 28th day of Awakening, Y16, Question #14:

ref: http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&week=634

So, again, that was several years ago. As for Battledome Veteran, it might be possible to still get it. The pet would have had to battle in the old Battledome and not have been used to be awarded the avatar (as you have noted). However, I haven't seen anything confirming this - meaning a post, here, on TDN, or on the Neoboards.

All of the other Battledome avatars should be available. It's been awhile, but I believe I got the "Hello, little Lupe...BOOM!" by losing a battle in the 1 player Battledome with a Lupe I got from the Pound, or possibly a Neofriend let me borrow.


Scoobs, I really don't think this is the case because I have lent pets, pets from my account, that were not used to obtain the avatar and that person did not obtain the battledome veteran avatar or trophy with that pet.  I was really under the impression it was somehow acct related.  But again, I could be wrong.  I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken. Lol. :thumbsdown:

I would be nice if punchbag sid would make an appearance.  I would like to get that Avatar.

24 minutes ago, rntracy1 said:

Scoobs, I really don't think this is the case because I have lent pets, pets from my account, that were not used to obtain the avatar (at least you think they were not, but how would you know unless they NEVER fought in the battledome AT ALL on the acct) and that person did not obtain the battledome veteran avatar or trophy with that pet.  I was really under the impression it was somehow acct related.  But again, I could be wrong.  I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken. Lol. :thumbsdown:

I would be nice if punchbag sid would make an appearance.  I would like to get that Avatar.

I believe it may be account related, too, and I did say it might be possible (key word being "might") to still get it. Here is what TDN has to say:


Visit the New Battledome external_link.gif with a pet that has battled in the old Battledome. For the pet, it is a possible requirement that the pet cannot have been used to achieve the avatar on another account.

I was just restating what TDN said. Until I saw your and wafflo's post, I hadn't seen anything else, such as someone lending out a pet who battled in the old Battledome, but wasn't used to get the Battledome avatar, and getting the avatar or not. TBH, I hadn't seen anyone posting here or on the Neoboards stating they were able to get it, with a pet that wasn't their own. It seems to be an "unknown", so that is why I said "might" and "possibly no longer available".

2 minutes ago, Scoobert_Doo said:

I believe it may be account related, too, and I did say it might be possible (key word being "might") to still get it. Here is what TDN has to say:

I was just restating what TDN said. Until I saw your and wafflo's post, I hadn't seen anything else, such as someone lending out a pet who battled in the old Battledome, but wasn't used to get the Battledome avatar, and getting the avatar or not. BTH, I hadn't seen anyone posting here or on the Neoboards stating they were able to get it, with a pet that wasn't their own. It seems to be an "unknown", so that is why I said "might" and "possibly no longer available".

Sorry:sad:. I didn't mean to strike a nerve.  I re-read my post, If you thought my parenthesis was being rough, it did sound that way when I re-read it, lol.  I am going to fix it to read like I meant it.  I meant it to say, something to the effect of, how would WE (anyone) know which pet was the pet that granted the avatar?  If our pets all fought in the old battledome, I suppose it happens when you first fight in the new battledome, so I just answered my own question. lol:blush02:.  But my thought process was, ANY of those pets could be the avatar pet, but apparently not.  lol.  Duh Trace!!!!  But otherwise, I really do think it is your acct that the pets fought on, then they fight in the new battledome, you get the avatar.  But, here again, I may be wrong.  lol.  But again, sorry if it seemed like I jumped down your throat, didn't mean it like that, AT ALL.  You know I love ya!

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