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Hacked amazon account - freaking out!

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The email address on an old amazon account of mine was changed earlier today. I called Amazon support and got it fixed (hopefully), I've changed my passwords on other sites, and I ran an antivirus scan that turned up nothing. So now I have no idea how this happened (I haven't opened any links in any emails) and what other information might be compromised. I'm so lost, is there anything else I need to be doing? And how could this have possibly happened?

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Hackers, essentially.  You changed the password on your email as well, right?  Hackers have tools that allow them to download a copy of a site and others that allow them to set a machine up to "guess" at a password until they get it.  No telling why they chose that specific account, they probably didn't just use YOURS, but they're jerks who do :(

(just finished a course in hacking related to a computer program I was in.)  

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My email password is the only thing I haven't been able to change :/ It's a school email, and there was some IT nonsense that was keeping me from changing it without an intervention from the school, but they never ended up resetting the password. I'll have to call again tomorrow and get on their case until they actually do it. I guess the good news is if I can't change the password, nobody else can, either. And it's not like any suspicious ip addresses have actually done anything in my account.

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My twitter was hacked last week, and then Sunday morning I woke up to an Amazon review I didn't make. So I went and chaaannnged all my passwords. 

I think the twitter was hacked because I don't use it often and they posted an ad to see if I'd catch it..

Not sure what was going on with the Amazon review since it was for Windows keyboard that I'd never look at in a milion years o_O, nor was it available.

I assume it is like @GillyTook says and that is probably also what they do to find credit card numbers that work (happened to me a couple of years ago for that). 

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