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Hey everyone!

TDN Battlepedia is moving to a new home at The Daily Neopets Items Database. Our entire weapons database of 3,000+ items is now accessible at The Daily Neopets Items, including their iconage, item rarity, and descriptions. It's consolidated with our Customization wearables item database, too, so you'll notice that there's a lot of new information too. Everything that you love is now at TDN Items.

In addition to moving our weapons database, all of our Battledome- and Battlepedia-specific helpful articles have been moved to the main site. Many links on battlepedia.thedailyneopets.com will now redirect you to the correct locations. We're still working on moving our 1-Player database, damage calculator, and a few other pages from here.


Eventually, this area will be taken offline completely, so please continue to visit us at TDN Items. Thanks for helping make TDN your one-stop-shop for everything Neopets.


We will be expressing the usability of a weapon by using our new tagging system. This way it will be easier for players to find a recommended item within a specific price range or desired weapon type instead of having the view the viability of each weapon individually through a written review.

Not only will they be tagged as recommended, we will also be categorizing usable weapons based on beginner, intermediate and expert levels in the Battledome to help battlers of all levels find the perfect battle set. 

We hope to have these features added in the upcoming months. Hope this helps @war_doc :)

Feel free to pass on any suggestions or ideas!


  • 5 months later...

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