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Someone offered to foster my (now) lenny, but they said they don't have any transfers and would need to do a pound catch (I'm guessing I'd pound him and the other user would look him up). Is this a legit thing? It seems kind of sketchy and I definitely don't want to risk never seeing my pet again because someone else snaps him up. That and I don't want to put him through the pounding process to begin with, anyway T_T


Edit: they agreed to just wait for the transfers to reset next month, so that's all set. Still, is this something that's regularly done?


it is regularly done , yes , but as u said it's risky business ...


this was the only method before they re-hauled the Pound ... and some people are experts at it ... but the tragic stories of losing expensive pets to pound lurkers are countless ... however these days its done much less ... also when you pound a painted pet all its pb clothes remain in your closet .. so ppl arent much interested in pound-snapping anymore , unless the pet has a very special unique name  


why are u fostering it , btw ?


Because in a moment of unthinking impulsiveness, I adopted a fourth pet on a whim and now I can't do the alp pet chains. And I really don't have the stomach to put anyone in the pound.


Ok, I will! Thank you! Hopefully this works out, though.


Is it really? I've never heard that before. I've even seen a bunch of guides about fostering on people's pet pages and in the Neopian Times. Do they mention it in the rules somewhere?

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