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Not sure if this goes under help or customization but, I transferred my robot grundo,he has an aged petpet, to a NF and back. Now his zapped color cloths are missing, not on him, not in my closet, and not with my NF. What do I do? Where did they go?



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Did you use the Pound Drop method or the User to User Transfer. If you pound dropped then the clothes would have been removed. Not sure what else could cause you to be missing clothes, but wouldn't hurt to submit a ticket to TNT and find out. Be sure both of you check your closets one more time beforehand just to be sure. I hope you find them!


User to User Transfer, I sent yesterday and she accepted, she transferred to me this morning and I accepted. I realized XFM did have them :( Only thing I can think of was he wasnt wearing them when I sent my transfer, but I thought that doesn't matter.


User to User Transfer, I sent yesterday and she accepted, she transferred to me this morning and I accepted. I realized XFM did have them :( Only thing I can think of was he wasnt wearing them when I sent my transfer, but I thought that doesn't matter.

Have her go to "customize pet" like she is going to customize/dress her.  When that tutorial pops up, close out the window, then refresh the page and the pet should be redressed.  It ALWAYS happens to me when I transfer my pets between accounts.  Hope this helps.


I just did that and refreshed> closet then tried refresh> applied. They don't seem to be on my account. I'm going to wait until tomorrow, do this refreshing mumbo jumbo again (Strong believer that my account is vulnerable to TNT voodoo and vise versa). *complain* Tickets take so long and only once would i say TNT's reply was moderately helpful. 


I could be wrong, but I thought the pet needed to be wearing their clothes when they were transferred in order for the clothes to transfer too.


Yes in order for paint brush clothes to be transferred between accounts they need to be worn by the pet being transferred and not stuffed in the Closet.


Yes, as long as the pet is WEARING the clothes when they are transferred the refresh will work.  If the pet is not wearing any clothes when they are transferred, you can refresh til the cows come home and the clothes will not appear on your pet.  I was under the impression your pet was wearing clothes during the transfer and they didn't show up "on the other side."  That happens to me all the time.  I refresh the page and they show back up. 


Sorry for being noobish but I thought PB cloths transfer with a correctly colored pet no matter what. That is why you have to pound or change color/species to keep PB cloths. The charter board agrees with me here. So maybe it that way before or the whole process is glitchy

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