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Has anyone else noticed that the Caption Contest hasn't "moved" for March 11?

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I am sorry, but as a nOOb/rookie, I don't understand why NP would post a "deadline" for a contest and then not stick to it or even come close to it. I was submitting captions in February, and all through March- not that I was expecting MY caption to be in the running but no captions were being posted for voting. In April, I submitted this silly caption #1396:
Skiing Usul to Kiosk Wocky: Are you seriously trying to give me a lottery ticket NOW, when a Giant Snowager Snowball of Doom is rolling down at us?
Kiosk Wocky: No, this isn't a lottery ticket. It's a note from Caption #1397: Can you please finish up and move on? There are other Pictures that want their turn! ~signed Caption Contest Picture #1397
Thought that might push NP to getting it done.  :rambo:  :rock:
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Unfortunately, the "Wednesday, March 11th" being referred to, for announcement of the winners and a new contest to begin, was for last year - 2015. The Caption Contest hasn't been running/working, since then. Although it hasn't been officially announced as ending, like the Random Contest, and Lenny Conundrum was, there have been no new pictures posted, since that date.


The Caption Contest seemed to have stopped around "the Great Lag", referring to when Neopets was experiencing (major) lag issues with the site, around that same time (March 2015). It went on for a while, and many things were stopped, like the contests, supposedly, until they fixed the lag issue. However, once the lag issue was fixed, they did not bring some of those things back. As other things broke, when the lag was fixed, it seemed those were more of a priority, than running the contests. At least that is how I interpreted it, and/or is my opinion.


I think submitting a question to the Neopian Times Editor, may be a good place to start, or open a support ticket. The Editor or TNT should really give an official announcement, if they are ending the Caption Contest, or at least address the issue of why they are not updating it. Give people closure, like with the Random Contest and Lenny Conundrum, or something to go on, like they do with the KQ responses.


Anyhow, best of luck, whatever you decide to do, and, unfortunately, the Caption Contest is one of the "broke" things on Neopets, at this time, along with all of the other "broke" things.


Thank you such a good explanation for why nothing was moving forward with the Caption Contest, Scoobert_Doo! Not sure what I'll do but those are good suggestions. Thanks again! Happy gaming everyone! :rolleyes_anim:

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