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So, looking through the avvies I still need to get, I noticed there were a few random avvies I still needed: Tooth Faerie and Sloth! being the two most common avatars that I'm missing.


Both are supposed to be triggered by SHHs, apparently, but when I checked JellyNeo's list of random events, I found that there wasn't a Tooth Faerie event listed. And while there is a Sloth RE listed, I've yet to have seen it.


Is the Tooth Faerie avvie still available? And is there anything I can do to increase my chances of getting the Sloth! avatar? I used to play a lot of NeoQuest, should I start doing that again, if only to burn through a ton of pages in hopes for random events?


Thanks for any advice here, haha.


The Sloth! avatar comes as-is and there is no way to boost your chances of getting it - but the Neopets birthday theme that comes up on Neopet's birthday is said to boost your chances of getting random events.


I can't help with the Tooth Faerie though ;-;


There WAS a Tooth Faerie random event, looked like this  - 
Something has happened! toothfaerie.gif The tooth faerie arrives for your lost tooth, and gives you an avatar in return!
I cannot confirm if it is still active or not... I'm needing that avatar as well :(


I remember the old Tooth Faerie REs from when I played years and years ago, before the fancy RE revamp, but I'm not digging up any evidence that the event exists in the current RE set. I see that Sloth is still around, but it's a bit of a bummer that there's no way to provoke the event into existence -- I'd had hoped to hear that there'd be a spot in in Virtupets that could increase my odds or something.

Maybe I should send a letter to the Neopian Times editor about the Tooth Faerie RE and see if they respond? The avatar is listed as "active" almost everywhere but I'm not certain that it actually is, lmao, so having confirmation from TNT would be rad.

In any case, thanks for responding, guys. I think I might try to do a couple hour marathon of NeoQuest when my birthday rolls around, see if Sloth shows up (and, who knows, maybe I'll finally beat the dang game, lmao).


You may not have to, as it appears the same question was asked in Neopian Times Issue #642, Editorial:


"Hello! I was just wondering if some of the Random Event avatars (Tooth Faerie, Sloth, Neomail addict) were still achievable after the new RE system was put into place, or if they are retired now. Thanks. ^__^ ~unlaced_
They're still available! Some REs have changed slightly to work with the new system but the avatar ones are still there. :)"


I still need all three of those, too. Here's to hoping we all get them!


Oh, nice! Well, here's to hoping we all hit the random avvie jackpot, I suppose, haha. Thanks for finding that, it's super reassuring to know it's still possible to grab the dang thing.


I got the Sloth avatar in a RE. I don't remember how I got it (I think I was using quick stock or in Neopet Central). I still don't have the tooth faerie or neomail one, but hopefully refreshing a bunch on NQI will help, lol. 

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