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Hi guys,

I'm just wondering if this is a thing that happens to other people or a glitch. 


So, I was doing my dailies, and having a run of bad luck.  I'd been to the Wheel of Mediocrity and lost HP on my active pet.  Then I did the Wheel of Excitement and that pet got sick.  I decided that before I did Apple Bobbing Bart, I would put all of my np in the bank so I couldn't have any 'slip out of my pocket' and into the barrel.  I got the event where I located someone's dentures and tumbled over the fence, which apparently makes your pet lose HP.  I didn't actually notice what my pet's HP were at this point, but they had already been down at 6/11 earlier.


I did the Tombola and got a t-shirt, then I did the Snowager and all my pets got blasted.  Again, I didn't bother looking at the HP of my active pet.  I did King Hagan and got nothing.  I did the Deserted Tomb and 'Fiddlesticks!'


Then I did the Fruit Machine.  Three Baggusses.  1000np!  Yay, a change in luck.  Except, when I glanced up at my np, it said I had 700np.




How, if I had a balance of 0np and won 1000np, could I only have 700np on hand? 


What I was wondering was if the Snowager (or maybe Apple Bobbing Bart) takes any np from your balance if their event is supposed to remove HP but you have no HP to lose.  I didn't look at my np immediately before the win, but I know I definitely only had 0np remaining after going to the bank because I checked to make sure, and none of those other events I listed above were np winning events for me.  Can you get negative np?


Has this ever happened to anyone else or is it a glitch that I should submit a ticket about?


All advice greatly appreciated.


Definitely Bart. I was hoping that -np wasn't a thing  :sad01_anim:​ but I checked online and lots of people have reported it.


It could also a happen in a np taking random event that you may have missed.


It happened to me several times with Bart and the Wheel of Slime (remember that?!). To spin it, you needed to have 300 NPs on hand, but if you spun and had no money, it would go negative. 


Hmm.  Thanks everyone.  So, I get that Bart can make you go negative.  But I still want to know if he would take neopoints if you have no HP left to take and your event is supposed to remove HP.  This also begs the question of whether this can happen with any other dailies. 
Also, no, I don't remember the Wheel of Slime.  Sounds gross!
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