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Not new to neopets, but new to TDN forums. Used to be addicted to neopets a while back on an old account (10 years ago?) & forgot my login info. So, I made a new account 4 years ago, and only this past week or so started being active again. (Mostly out of procrastination & avoidance of studying for finals, eheh...Because when else is there a better time to finally finish the Altador plot except during finals week?)


Let's be neofriends? :)

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If someone here doesn't have the answer they will direct you to were the answer is.  You will see that all questions have at least one reply to them.  Nobody is ever left hanging and that is what is great about this forum and site.  It IS a great bunch of people. 


BTW, I did the exact same thing during my finals.  LOL.  You HAVE to.  Sometimes you just need that mental break.  It is emotionally and mentally draining.  Although NPs can be too at times.  LOL. :laughingsmiley:

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Welcome to TDN! Hope you enjoy your time on here! TDN is a great site for help with all things neopets related. There's also a wishlist gifting going on for the month of December on here  ---> http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/45903-2015-tdn-christmas-wishlist-gifting-post/page-1


Love your username by the way ;)

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Hahah, didn't realize how popular the Altador plot is during finals! That's no surprise though. I'd much rather find constellations than read philosophy of mathematics. :sick02:


Welcome to TDN! Hope you enjoy your time on here! TDN is a great site for help with all things neopets related. There's also a wishlist gifting going on for the month of December on here  ---> http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/45903-2015-tdn-christmas-wishlist-gifting-post/page-1


Love your username by the way ;)


Thanks for pointing this out to me! It's awesome to see how generous of a bunch TDN is. :laughingsmiley: Probably won't ask for anything just yet since I'm still new, but definitely will send out some gifts!


Also, thanks! "snorlaxing" has been my go-to choice for usernames for the last decade or so, since I'm basically a snorlax irl. :P

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Hello and welcome to TDN. I'm returning after a short hiatus. I will be your neofriend if you send me a request. My name is arctic_fox790.

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