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Hi guys,


As a new member to the TDN forums it's appropriate to introduce myself I believe, so here goes:


My name is Marit, I turned 24 recently and I've been an active user on Neopets since February 2015, when I decided to give up Facebook for Lent and was looking for something fun to do with all that free time. I've been playing Neopets a LONG time ago (like, more than 10 years ago), but failed to recover my old account so here I am with a brand new one :thumbsup:

I've been using TDN first for having all the dailies in one place, but then I started collecting avatars so I registered to the site, and the forums appear to be the logical next step. :yes:


I live in the Netherlands (which is, at times, utterly confusing with the NST :whistle: ), I'm married without children and in September I will start studying at a university close by.

My hobbies include classical singing, music in general, reading, playing LotROnline, wall climbing and walking. I am the chairwoman of a small student choir in my hometown and I volunteer at the local basilica.


Well, that's it for now. I hope to have a good time at the forum, and feel free to ask me anything.


See ya!! :icecream:

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Welcome, Marit! A lot of people here on the forums have lost their original account (including me), some were deleted by TNT, some lost their usernames or passwords, and some (like me) don't remember what birthday they used and can't get in :sad02:

Tips for switching between Dutch times and NST: A new day on neo starts at 9 am, and Von Roo is awake between 9 and 10 am. The snowwager is asleep between 6 and 7 am (I believe), 3 and 4 pm, and somewhere in the middle of the night. Food Club bets are processed at about 11.30 pm. I think that's all.

Where do you climb? I used to do it in Nieuwegein, but took too long to get there, and I lost too much time that I had to put in schoolwork. Now I mostly climb in the Alps in the summer :D

Anyway, welcome, and don't hesitate to ask anything (if you have questions, of course), everyone here is really helpful :)

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Hi Marit, it's nice to meet you :) Props to you for giving up facebook for lent. Sometimes I think social media takes up far too much of my life. I had to start over with a new neopets account not too long ago myself. What will you be studying at university?

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Hi guys,


Thanks for the warm welcome! And thanks for the tips for the NST! I should really write them down somewhere...
Usually I go to Yosemite in Zwolle (because that's 5 minutes by bike from where I live). I never did serious climbing in the mountains (yet). I did go hiking in Norway a lot, but it's one expensive country. For now I'm good with the walls here in Zwolle. University will be expensive enough for the next few years.


Thanks Shelley! It was hard. Very, Very Hard. Every single day I found myself typing face... in the browser and then realizing I shouldn't. Still, it worked pretty well to change my password to a complicated series of numbers which I couldn't for the love of me remember. So if I did end up on Facebook I got discouraged because I had to look up the password (which was sitting on my bookshelf, hidden in a book).

I'm going to do 'Language and Culture studies'. Basically you can choose all kinds of courses within the faculty of humanities. I'm planning to take English, music and literature courses.


It's a sad business I've lost my old account. I can't remember the username and I also deleted the e-mail address that was linked to it at a certain point. Oh well :/

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