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Another lurker turned member :)


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Hi! I've been a member of TDN for, whew, a few years now, and I've just now gotten around to making a forum account, hah. I'm mippins (des1017 on NP), I'm 23 and have been playing Neopets for almost 14 years now. Sorta grown up with it. I'm kind of obsessed with collecting avatars, so that's my current project. Specifically, I'm going after the Rubbish avatar. I also collect plushies and petpets, thinking about collecting stamps, and I'm a big fan of the Altador Cup (Krawk Island!!).


Nice to meet you all. :) Not sure how active I'll be since I'm in grad school at the moment. Summer's on its way, though, so here's hoping.

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Welcome Mippins, I'm also a recent lurker turned member. I collect avatars and also am thinking about branching out to stamps (mainly to collect avatars) but the total price tag for those complete pages is daunting. Not sure where to start!

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Thanks all. :)


mtsparky, I'm in the same boat, haha. I haven't really looked into stamp collecting too much yet, but I remember hearing that it was crazy expensive. I guess it's nice to have long term goals in mind, heh.

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Hi Mippins! Vanessa here! It's nice to meet you. 14 years is a long time. I guess you did grow up with neo. I'm at a bit over 10yrs now, but was already in college when i started playing. Good luck on the rubbish avie, btw. I'm sorta working on that one too. I guess that makes me a junk collector :P


The stamps do get crazy expensive. That's why I only have a minimal amount. :laughingsmiley: Collecting avies is something i have grown fond of doing too. I think i might try and join the avie lending chain offered through here though. They have a few pets i need avies for.


Fun fact: you've been on neo approximately 61% of your life. :D

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Thanks folks! I should say I haven't been like, solidly playing for all those years, hah. I tend to go through cycles where I'll be really obsessed for a few months, doing all my regular dailies and playing games and actively working toward goals, but then I'll gradually ween off until I'm only checking stuff like once a week or so. I phase in and out, I guess.


61% of my life, oh man, haha. That's kind of ridiculous to think about.


I've sort of gotten involved with the TDN lending stuff! I've only borrowed items, but part of the reason I'm on the forums now is to eventually get in on the pet lending too. :) I've had nothing but good experiences with the item lending, though. Super great feature.

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Hello fellow (ex)Lurker!


I'm a collector of Plushies and Petpets too! I've been playing for 12(ish) years. But the account that is that old is now my side. I'm currently trying to get the Pack Rat avi. It's slowly coming along, about half way there.


I've just come to the sudden realization that I am rambling..


Anywho, my original is jenniferg49 and the shop has an avatar.

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Hello fellow (ex)Lurker!


I'm a collector of Plushies and Petpets too! I've been playing for 12(ish) years. But the account that is that old is now my side. I'm currently trying to get the Pack Rat avi. It's slowly coming along, about half way there.


I've just come to the sudden realization that I am rambling..


Anywho, my original is jenniferg49 and the shop has an avatar.

I just got my Pack Rat Avi this year :D I started toward it during the end of last year. If you keep on it, it won't take long! Welcome and good luck!

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I just got my Pack Rat Avi this year :D I started toward it during the end of last year. If you keep on it, it won't take long! Welcome and good luck!

I just started it in the last week. I've got almost 500 items and I only started with 100-150 in there.

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Thanks everyone! :) The pack rat avi was a lot of fun, in my opinion. It was the first avatar I really went after, and thus kind of started my avatar collection quest in general, hah. Now I'm saving up stuff for the rubbish avatar and it's bringing back memories, hehe. Good luck standalonefrank and congrats Musical_Shoyru!

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