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. I did a quest for the grey faerie and she said I could go to the Rainbow Fountain. I don't have a 2nd neopet and mine is a baby aisha who I dont want to change.

Can I get a 2nd pet and paint it instead? I think I want a stealthy cybunny. I looked through the pound but havent seen a cybunny yet - just curious, has anyone seen one in the pound before or is this a rare occurence? And can you use the rainbow pool for stealthy?


Yes, you can use rainbow pool for stealthy.

I think cybunnies are a little harder to find, tho. But you could always use a morphing potion.

Cheapest being green according to JN, but right now, I cant see one in TP.


You can also check Lost and Pound every once in a while for stuck bunnies. Though I rarely see them there either.


Congrats! That's lucky. :) Since Cybunnies are limited edition and pretty popular, I wouldn't count on finding one in the pound. I don't think I've ever seen one there. Cybunny Carnival is coming up relatively soon (April 27), so if you're willing to wait you could create one on that day. Or you could use an MP like Oravay suggested, if you're willing to spend 250k on a Green Cybunny Morphing Potion.


I wouldnt have thought to do a morphing potion, that's a good idea. I have been saving for the lofty goal of getting the last collectible scarab for my collection but seeing as that's several million neopoints and I've only saved 1.8 mil so far maybe I could splurge on a new pet first! I'd never have done it except for such a cool quest prize. I just hope it doesn't expire!

If not I could wait - you can make your own new pet on Cybunny Day? I didn't know that... Do you know where to go to do that? Anyway, at least I have options :)


You just go to the create a pet page and create one. They're released in certain numbers, however, so you need to be fast.


Though def keep an eye on that Lost and Pound page. There was a red Cy with a decent enough name still in the pound when I looked at the page just now.


I wouldnt have thought to do a morphing potion, that's a good idea. I have been saving for the lofty goal of getting the last collectible scarab for my collection but seeing as that's several million neopoints and I've only saved 1.8 mil so far maybe I could splurge on a new pet first! I'd never have done it except for such a cool quest prize. I just hope it doesn't expire!

If not I could wait - you can make your own new pet on Cybunny Day? I didn't know that... Do you know where to go to do that? Anyway, at least I have options :)

FFQ's don't expire... but I don't think you can load up on them. So if you've got one waiting and you get another FFQ then you need to use the first one. Someone correct me if I am wrong.


I got one at the pound :) Someone neomailed me as one was spotted. It has a funny name, but that's ok. Now to paint it!

If you don't like the name you can always do as someone suggested, use a MP or create one. I like to surf the pound for pets with decent names and then morph them. It's easier than building up stats on a freshly created pet and thinking up a name since so many good names are taken.


FFQ's don't expire... but I don't think you can load up on them. So if you've got one waiting and you get another FFQ then you need to use the first one. Someone correct me if I am wrong.


If you don't like the name you can always do as someone suggested, use a MP or create one. I like to surf the pound for pets with decent names and then morph them. It's easier than building up stats on a freshly created pet and thinking up a name since so many good names are taken.

You are correct about the FFQ's. If you have an unused one don't complete your new one by giving the item to the fountain faerie or you'll lose the first one. They don't stack up.


I didn't know you could get the Grey Faerie as a questgiver, neither did I know that she'd reward you with a visit to the Rainbow Pool! You must be very lucky! Have fun with your stealthy Cybunny :)

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