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Hi! I'm new to TDN so not sure if this is the right forum to post this in? I did see others doing it though so I would assume so ^^"
Anyways, name's Serythe. I've recently entered my Uni, dark_knight_mare, into the BC after a few years of not entering, lol. If you could spare a vote, that'd be great! If not, that's alright too, and thank you for checking out my board!

The high quality image of her entry is here:

You can vote by clicking this link:

Not sure how to vote?
Click on the voting link above, and it should take you to her voting page! once you get there just press "vote for dark_knight_mare"! if your vote was successful, it should then say "your vote has been cast for dark_knight_mare".

Thank you very much for any potential votes, and have an awesome day!


I think there's something wrong with those links! I voted for you, but I had to do it manually.


Your vote has been cast for dark_knight_mare


Hi Serythe! Feel free to stay and get to know the place- we're all quite friendly, in my experience- rather than just popping in to lay down a shameless plug. ;)


Hi! Yes, of course haha. I hope to stick around :)

Thank you for the vote! I'm not sure why it's not working but I'll try to check it out,


haha, black and blue but maybe someone will see her as white and gold? Jk. Seriously though, that is pretty cool how differently people can see things depending on light! Thank you very much for the vote by the way! :)


Thank you very much! I really like your avatar and signature, very pretty colors :)


Your vote has been cast for dark_knight_mare


good luck! I have to get back in the BC one of these days (once I know how the avatar is awarded) ;)

Traditional all the way!!


Thank you everyone! I appreciate it very much :)

Shelley, if you do enter again let me know and I'll be sure to vote!

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