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For the past two days, whenever I attempt to do my daily scarab drop, it takes me to a page that says Neopets is down for maintenance. That isn't true, 'cause I can do everything else just fine on the site.

titlestill.gifNeopets is down for maintenance :(



Oh well... Oops! Sorry, just a technical problem we should be back very soon.


What can you do at the moment?
The main Neopets site is temporarily down for maintenance. Your account information, pets, items, shops and everything else you have created in Neopia is safe.

In the meantime why not play one of the following. We cannot give out Neopoints while the site is down however :(


That's what it says on the page it takes me to.

Does anyone know what's going on?

Thanks :)


It's just the Expellibox for the last few days, not all Neocash stuff. I had some NC expiring soon and I was able to buy a background. Just use another link to the Mall. It would be better if they used another message on that page. I wonder if some players give up and leave when they see that.


This link works (from the top of any Neopets page) http://ncmall.neopets.com/mall/shop.phtml?page=&cat=


I actually couldn't get into the Neocash store AT all a few days ago, got the same message. Got love these neopet quirks ;)

However my Expellibox worked today, what browser do you use?


The same thing is happening to me! I can get into the NC mall just fine but the Expellibox takes me to that page.


I've been able to use the Mall just fine until earlier today, now everything seems fine. Expellibox on the other hand seems to have been down for days and days personally


I haven't been able to use Expellibox for the past couple of days either.


Now, I haven't tried very hard (I just click the link in thedailyneopets dailies) but I also get told the site is down for maintenance.


Hmmm.. not exactly accurate neopets!


Maybe they are having problems with google chrome? I haven't tried on any other browser besides chrome.


Strange that some can still access it?


Yep. I have gotten the same message for the past couple of days. Same if I set the site in my first language. I think they're updating or something!

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