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They Say The Toothless Get Ruthless [please vote in the CC]

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Hey gang!
Welcome to the extended Thanksgiving round of the CC!
It looks like Boochi has been busy and that his ray has been misfiring...strange things are afoot!
So, once again let me ask: Please consider casting your vote(s) my way. You can vote once every 4 hours...and every vote (and bump, and good luck wish) is GREATLY appreciated!
Participating in the CC has become one of my favorite things to do in Neopia and I know that all entrants love support via votes/good luck wishes/bumps...so, even if you don't vote for ME, please stop by the CC and show your support! /grin
Let me take this opportunity to thank you, ALL, for your votes, good luck wishes, and support during my first year of CC participation. /grin
Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!



By fullonparanoid:
Pink Slorg: I miss having teeth.
Elderly Slorg: We had teeth?


Direct link to vote for fullonparanoid: HERE
Oh, and bonus points if anyone can place the source of my Title for this Topic!

Congrats on making it in. I made a similar joke that wasn't accepted, but I couldn't figure out a way to make it concise enough (i.e., funnier). You nailed it! I did get a different one accepted, which I just voted for, but next time I can vote, I'll vote for yours.


Thank you, Angel and siniri! :D


Congrats, also, to siniri and Angelo for also being in the CC...a great showing for TDNF'ers! /grin


I hope that everyone has had a most wonderful Thanksgiving (or, if not in the US...a most wonderful Thursday!)






(no one yet knows the source of my topic title?)

Posted (edited)

Thank you, Lou, Avia, and Bloods_Mistress! :D


Thank you, all, for the votes and support thus far this CC round (and, for that matter, all previous rounds I have been in!)...please keep 'em headed my way!


Bloods_Mistress: ABSOLUTELY gimme a holler if/when you need some Neo-Contest Support! That goes for all of ya! /grin


Games Master is starting to try the limits of my Neo-gaming abilities. I barely squeaked by in both of yesterday's Challenges...and Bumble Beams gave me a run for my money. I'm hoping to be able to finish it out in top form...but if the last few games are harder than the past few, I may be hosed. :P


Hope everyone has a great day!


Thank you again...






Oh, I forgot...


Lou: This image is HYSTERICAL! slorg_halloween_teeth.gif

Edited by fullonparanoid

Thanks (again), Lou! :D


How did you find that image? Did you hunt it or did you already know it existed?


I wish we could attach images to our CC entries...that one would have been perfect for mine! /grin


Thank you, all, for the votes cast thus far...please keep 'em headed my way!


You can vote once every four hours until, most likely, Tuesday afternoon (this has been a long holiday round of the CC). :D


Hope everyone is having a nice weekend...






Thank you, Tivsy! :D


I'm glad you got a laugh out of it...admittedly, it makes me chuckle as well (can hear the confused tone of voice used by the Elderly Slorg). /grin


Just another day or so and then this uber-long round of CC will be over! Thank you, all, for the votes cast thus far...please keep 'em headed my way!


And, just cuz I can...I'm gonna post this silly image again (and add it to my sig!): slorg_halloween_teeth.gif





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