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Perhaps a Cirrus petpet might be good for your Vandagyre since it looks like you have a nature theme in your Vandagyre's customization. Pawkeets are another petpet species as well since they do remind me a little bit of Vandagyres because of their beaks. Those are all the ideas I have at the moment.


I personally got a Sandan. They're about 16k, but absolutely adorable and they look kind of similar in colour and they're also both panda-like.

I haven't painted mine to match my Vandagyre, but if I save up enough I would like to also make it red in some way to match her.


Just personally, a petpet that looks similar to your pet would be quite cute :)


I personally got a Sandan. They're about 16k, but absolutely adorable and they look kind of similar in colour and they're also both panda-like.

I haven't painted mine to match my Vandagyre, but if I save up enough I would like to also make it red in some way to match her.


Just personally, a petpet that looks similar to your pet would be quite cute :)


Sandans were the first option I thought of! They're so cute! And since my Vandagyre is blue, I'm considering it! :D


Angeló, loved your ideas too. Gonna check on the available colors for the Albat!


UPDATE: "Lallyt says 'AAAAARRRGHHH! Get that Sandan away from me!!!'"


:angry: :angry: :angry:


maybe a petpet that looks like a bug, because birds are usually supposed to eat them, but it'd be cute if they were friends. :) maybe a slorg?


Heeey, that's a very cute idea!! My Lallyt is currently with a Plushie Sandan (she accepted the Plushie version of it, lol), but I'm definitely gonna look for bug petpets to try and get ideas :)


Mine is yellow, so I've been looking at yellow/gold petpets.


I haven't found anything I totally love yet, but I know she won't stay yellow, so I won't be investing a ton of NP in a perfect petpet until I have a more permanent color.


Even though I'm currently searching and trying things out, for now she has an Albot:




My Lallyt is currently with a Plushie Sandan (she accepted the Plushie version of it, lol)


I think petpets work the same way as books; pets don't seem to like things with the same number of letters as their own name. :p If you change the language, the regular sandan may have been accepted - but that's okay, the plushie is still super cute!



I think the sandan is perfect, but I also like other shenkuu-themed pets, such as the naleap. :)



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