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On rating and voting at the Customization Spotlight

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So I've been wondering... What kind of criteria do you guys personally use when you're rating a pet's customization at the Custom Spotlight?


I don't know if I'm too kind or too strict, but I consider that, if the pet at least has a complete customization (clothes, wig, background, trinket/foreground), regardless of how it looks, I'll give it at least 5. I also only give 1 if the pet has no customization at all (as I've seen plenty of times and I can't fathom why people put up uncustomized pets). I only give 10s if the pet is WONDERFULLY AWESOME to me.


Also, at the risk of sounding polemical, I think it's highly unfair when UC's win. I mean, they can only wear backgrounds, foregrounds and trinkets! It's so much easier to customize them...


I wonder how you guys rate! :) Is my method fair? Too rigid? Too kind? :P

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I'm kind of along the same lines - but usually I'm 1-6-8. A one is usually lacking/effortless. A six would be a pet that is completely customized, but is not necessarily themed or seems sporadic. An eight is a lovely and complete pet. For me to give a nine or ten I like to see a pet that really blows me away or a customization that I would enjoy doing with one of my own pets :)

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I rate along the same lines as well. I don't know, I feel like I'm really picky lol. I like all the items to flow together, they don't necessarily need a full customization (wig/dress/trinket/ect.) but they need to have a good sense of unity. I also like to see a clearly defined character :)


I don't think I've ever given out a 10..maybe once or twice. I usually give UC's a low rating (sorry to anyone with a UC reading this who entered lol). UC's are AWESOME pets. But I think to truly show off your customizing skills you should show the public you can put together something using all zones of wearables


haha I feel like I give out mostly 3's and 4's XD I would consider myself kind of a harsh rater lol

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I usually rate either 3 (no customization or random wearables) 5 (anything decent but that not strikes me as original or special) or 8 ( customizations I really like).

I've rated someone 10 in a few occasions but it's very rare.


I have to say thou that recently I had the sensation that some people found a way to rig the contest, there's an user who win almost every week either from their main or their sides .. I know this could just mean they're good at customizing, but it's really odd and now people from the same guild are winning too, it's kinda suspicious *shrugs*

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I have to say thou that recently I had the sensation that some people found a way to rig the contest, there's an user who win almost every week either from their main or their sides .. I know this could just mean they're good at customizing, but it's really odd and now people from the same guild are winning too, it's kinda suspicious *shrugs*


You know, I've been having that SAME feeling too! And it only got stronger with this question from the latest NT editorial:


"Are you allowed to advertise your Customization contest entry if you happen to find a way to? ~username removed

Absolutely not. The player name isn't listed for a reason."


I might be wrong, this might be indeed just an innocent "what if" question, but it can also mean people have found a way to advertise.

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Maybe someone else noticed the same thing I did and started to wondering if ithere was a way to advertize.

I've always found it a bit weird that you're not allowed to , since the contest it's very similar to the BC,I wonder why they won't let us :O

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