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Students Saw A Gay Couple Kiss In Front Of Kids, And The Students Got Mad For All The Right Reasons

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I saw this article on facebook last night, and the video left me in both happy and sad tears. I was disgusted by the way most acted, but when those two guys stood up for them I bawled like a baby.



I was reading the comments and saw a lot of

"It doesn't matter if you're gay or straight, I don't want to see you making out while I'm trying to eat"

What are your thoughts?



I remember watching this on TV and I was happy that those two guys stood up for them although while watching that I was getting slightly irritated at the female actor and those college girls I think? Although I'm not really for couples of any type making out in a restaurant unless it was like one mostly intended for couples any other forms of affection such as hand holding is fine.One thing is that I can't believe is that most people just left the heterosexual couple alone but they don't like the other couple it shouldn't matter what gender people are in a relationship and each couple should be treated equally.


My opinion is I don't care what sexuality you are, there's a time and a place for public displays of affection. In a restaurant, probably not the best place, but I guess to each their own.


I used to hug and put my arm around my ex-boyfriend and got spoken to at school about it and I found it ridiculous, but here's the thing. I didn't kiss him in public. I think it's gross when couples regardless of their preference kiss in public. I mean, it's kinda hard to eat my sushi or whatever I'm eating at the time and see two people with their tongues in each other's mouths, but that's my opinion.


It's like people blowing their noses at tables in restaurants. There's a reason why parents teach their children not to play with their food in restaurants.


What really boils my blood is the religion piece. If there is a God, there is a reason they put homosexuals in this world. I don't think a God would put a certain kinds of people on the earth just to make them suffer discrimination and hatred. It's not about religion, it's about what people do with their religion. You can't use your religion to bully people.


Why should love be based on gender? One of my ex-boyfriends is bisexual and I truly, truly, truly loved him. When people would call him names and pick on him I'd remember that people who pick on people because of what they look like, their religion, their lifestyle choices or whatever are the ones in the wrong.


Regardless of who he was, what he looked liked or what people said he was my boyfriend. Is a God gonna not put me in Heaven or wherever good people go all because I'm a straight female and dated a bisexual male? My feelings would be really hurt if they did.


Love is love <3

  • 3 years later...

"It doesn't matter if you're gay or straight, I don't want to see you making out while I'm trying to eat" -- those are my thoughts. Perfectly worded. Although I wouldn't have said it aloud, but I'm glad someone did. 

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