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I usually go the lowest I can find in a couple of regular SW searches, but only by 1-5 NP! I mean, people will buy the cheapest one, even if it's only 1 NP cheaper, you may as well make as much as you can if you're shooting for the lowest price.


I used to restock before the SSW came out. I think overall it made it harder to make NP that way since the SSW came out, prices overall seem lower.


I just check the SW. I don't always check to make sure I have the lowest price unless I'm not pricing a bajillion items and I have the time.


If I put it in my shop for the first SW price I see and it doesn't go as quickly as it should, then I just lower the price little by little until someone buys it.

  • 3 weeks later...

I just use the Shop Wizard a few times and try to be the lowest. If I got a good deal on something, I price it for a little more than what I paid. I'm mainly using my shop to clear out my SDB after getting the packrat avatar, so right now I'm just concered with getting everything gone.


I will usually check the shop wizard once, I don't refresh because the stuff I sell is consistently sold at the same price. I sell codestones, dubloons, map pieces, and neggs like 500 NP under what the cheapest shop sells it for so I can get an automatic sale.


I do have the SSW and so it's pretty simple (except for lab pieces, PBs, etc.). And here's a gripe about all this. I understand people wanting to be the lowest and get their items sold so if I put an item at 80,000NPs (lowest at the moment) and someone else comes along and puts their item slightly lower than mine (say a couple thousand), then I understand. I may or may not go lower depending on if I think the item will sell anyway. What irritates me is when someone puts the item at tens of thousands of NPs lower - say 50000 or something like that. Why?? Why are they undercutting by so much? They are hurting themselves and other sellers. They make less NPs and then the item depreciates so that people expect that as the price now. You want to sell fast? Fine - put it a few thousand less and wait 12 hours. If it's still not sold, go a few thousand lower. It WILL sell but there is no sense in losing tens of thousands of NPs.


That really annoys me too and it quickly devalues an item!


I do a search on the SW and put a price on around the current lowest price.


I mostly just use the SW and see what the lowest prices there are. However, if the lowest price and next lowest price have a large difference (e.g. 200 NP vs 2500 NP), I'll end up pricing closer to the higher price. I figure someone will snatch up the lowest price really fast, and mine will end up on the top result. :)


That's exactly what I do. I also take into consideration what item I'm selling. If it's something that a lot of people buy (e.g. a codestone) I'll price it higher because I know that I can. But if it's something more obscure that wouldn't sell as quickly I price it slightly lower so that it won't sit in my shop for ages.


I refresh multiple times until I get an idea of what the lowest price is, and then I beat that. Depending on how expensive the item is I might be 10np cheaper or I might be 100 cheaper, or even 1000 cheaper.... whatever it takes to get my name up at the top of the list without going too crazy. Most of the stuff I sell, I've gotten for free through some daily or battledome fight or whatever, I don't buy and resell many things. I figure I can afford to go low on the price because I'm making a profit no matter what. Then, if the item doesn't sell in a few days, I check again. If I find that the price has gone down, I adjust accordingly. If not, I assume it's just unpopular and let it sit.


I essentially use exactly this process. Now that I finally have a big kid job I decided to give Premium a try, so now I have SSW to make it quicker/easier for me; but before that I just did several searches per item on regular SW -- each time I would put the lowest price from the previous search in as the new "max price" and do that until I got no results two or three times in a row, making it pretty likely that the price I had was the "real" price. Then I set my price just below that, adjusted for overall value and how "desirable" the item is (if it's a quest item or something valuable like a map piece, I drop a very small amount; whereas if it's just some random junk they're probably only buying for the rubbish/SDB avs, I drop a fair amount so it sells quickly and doesn't just rot in my shop.) If the item is cheap, I'll generally drop 5 or 11 NP; if it's between 1-10K I'll drop 200-600ish, and if it's more than 20k I usually drop 1k or a little more. I also try to avoid "round" numbers (that is, I'll price something at 989 or 995 instead of 1000 -- that's a trick of real stores btw; most places sell stuff for $99.99 instead of $100, because that "feels" much cheaper so people are more likely to buy even though it's only a penny difference.)


The thing is, pretty much everyone knows how to use the SW (except for people who literally just started playing, and I for one have no interest in taking advantage of newbies anyway), so just slapping the "average" price on stuff is usually a waste of your time. If you're a really amazing restocker and have a mall-size shop that caters to players who value getting a quest item NOW over getting it cheap, that's different. But if you're like me and most other players, your shop is a fairly small one where you sell random stuff from your dailies, REs, and maybe the occasional restock if you have time; and if that's what you have no one is going to bother buying your junk unless your prices are close to the lowest available, just sayin'. :P Though that being said, I don't really get the people that WAY undersell either (like, ok, fine, you'd rather make the NP *now* rather than be a little patient and get a little more later, whatever floats your boat; but yeah, selling a PB for half of the SW price seems a little silly to me. And I'll definitely agree, it is super annoying to grab something good at the Garage Sale only to find that it *was* selling for 20k, but someone undercut and now I can only get like 5k for it -_____-)


guilty! I do the same thing! I'm so spoiled by the SSW haha. Basically I always go under the lowest price listed unless the item is super cheap, then I price match. If it is an item that I can't SSW (i.e. a Nerk) then I tend to check a database like Jellyneo, set a tentative price, then use the regular SW to make sure I'm the lowest in my alphabet grouping.

ME TOO! If I didn't have the SSW I honestly don't think I would restock ever. at all. period.

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