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Found out what I'm planning on getting for my birthday!

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I figured out what I'm getting hopefully for my birthday! I found used copies of Pokemon Stadium, Pokemon Gold, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Yellow and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. I found a used N64, a new PS2 Slim and a new PSP 3000 because my other PSP is messed up for really cheap! I also found Tekken Tag Tournament, Kingdom Hearts and Soul Calibur 3 new and new cables for my GameCube :)


The user ratings for the used games and consoles are all 100% and this will be the best 21st birthday ever if all of this doesn't go out of stock by my birthday :)


Happy early birthday! I played Pokemon Stadium before and it was a really good game and doesn't really have any glitches that I know of.


Cool Naamah! I just checked your profile, was curious when your Bday was, and I think based on you enjoying .hack//sign so much, that if you don't have them you should someday DEFINITELY get the Dot hack PS2 games! Primarily these 4; .hack//Infection, .hack//Mutation, .hack//Outbreak and .hack//Quarantine. It's been awhile since I played, but I'm on the 4th game, .hack//Quarantine. If you play the games right, you can actually party with Tsukasa, Subaru, and others from .hack//sign. ;) The placing of this kind of, I believe, is parallel to the anime. You start with .hack//infection, and when you've done everything there and beaten the final boss of the game, you get a data-flag save. With that data flag, when you load up .hack//mutation, you can start with all of your items, stats and accomplishments from Infection. This goes on through to the last game. While I have not yet tried the 3 .hack//G.U. games, I've heard that if you've beaten .hack//Quarantine, that the data flag from that can give you a little boost in the first of the .hack//G.U. games, Rebirth. But if that's true, I can't confirm that yet.


You can find complete walkthroughs for all the games on Gamefaqs.com. I believe that it was, Entity13's walkthroughs that were the most complete and thorough.

Each part also comes with a companion dvd disc, It's like, an episode of .hack//Liminality. An anime compaion that takes place outside of The World, in the "real" world. As some people try to figure out about the comas and stuff. I wasn't too impressed with it, BUT, it has some really interesting opening themes. ;)


In the first 4 series-games. You play Kite, the twin blade who gets the twilight bracelet from Aura. After your friend, Orca (Remember hearing about Orca of the Azure Sea in .hack//Sign?) Get's blasted into a coma by a "databug" Skeith. And I'm not talking the Neopet. ;) But you should recognize skeith from the end of .hack//sign. Oh, that reminds me, you also can get to party with Balmung of the Azure Sky. ;) Along with others you might know, and some you definitely probably don't. ;) As many were not in the anime. Although, if you've seen the anime dot hack legend of the twilight bracelet. You will see some characters in the game that look similar to some in that anime series. ;)


Congrats again on your finds! LOL And if you have or decide to go for these 4 "dot hack" games. Best of luck! There are also strategy guides available on eBay, like the games.


If you're curious about the 3 .hack//G.U. games, you can find info on Gamefaqs.com, as far as I know, they come just around the end of the anime that was not really famous in the US, they called .hack//Roots. Again, you play as the Twin Blade named Haseo, but beyond that, I don't know much more. I haven't even tried them yet. Been too busy. Just wanted to let you know the dot hack games existed. ;) As you probably have guessed, I'm a pretty big fan of the dot hack franchise myself. ;)

EDIT: One quick warning I JUST remembered about the first 4 dot hack games. NEVER open a trapped (Blue) Treasure chest without a Fortune Wire! If you open a Blue chest without using one first, you WILL be hit by the trap. Bad enough are the -1000 exp (level down) trap, but there's also a nasty trap that will reduce your level to LEVEL 1! I cannot stress enough to avoid opening blue chests without using fortune wires! When you use a fortune wire, the chest turns from Blue to Light brown, like regular chests. It happened to me at level 90-ish, I just reset my console and restarted from my last save. No way in heck was I going to start over from level 1! >_O


I'm going really book and video game happy. I found some games at Best Buy and some cool books. I also am planning on some new clothes because my jeans tend to get torn up easily. I also need a makeup bag and an eyelash curler. I love any sort of cosmetics so that will be good.

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