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Those silly things we used to believe in when we were kids!

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So, I was talking to some friends these days about all those silly stories and things we used to believe in when we were kids, and there were some very interesting (and funny! :D ) stories! So I thought about bringing the topic to TDNF :)


Share all those funny, curious (and sometimes embarrassing) things you used to believe in when you were kids!


  • I, for once, used to believe animals could really speak when then made their sounds. That is, when dogs barked, they were really talking to each other, like "hey, how are you doing?" and "I hate this food" and stuff, and that if I managed to bark or meow properly, I culd actually say something to them. My biggest concern was to accidentally say something offensive, LOL! :D :D I actually stopped believing in it at quite an old age for such a silly thing. I was 12 already! :*

Well when I was 3 I lived at my grandma's house with my mom. Both of them would tell me to not leave any of my toys out on the floor without cleaning them up or else "Old Man Malcom" would take them away. I always worried about not putting up my toys before I went to sleep but sometime when it was really late I could pick them up in the morning. Also I was told "Old Man Malcom" would kidnap little misbehaving children and mom scared me by saying that because she had pointed a laser pointer pen at the window and then there were scratching noises at the windows and it kept me awake which was the opposite of what she wanted to do also I think it led to me not being able to sleep without the TV on. Also 'Old Man Malcom" had 3 cats I think and I was told they would visit at night I forgot their names but one of them was Matthew or Borris. Also here was another ghost who was "Mary Jane" and she used to own the house before my grandmother did. I think Mary Jane also owned a cat and she would visit at night and whenever me,my cousin,and grandma would play the GameCube the tv screen would show the lights as red and green dots whenever the screen was black and grandma would say that it was "Mary Jane" causing that. Also when me and my cousin were little we had a little playset house type of thing outside and sometimes we were told not to go in there because there was a yellow jacket there and we always thought they literally meant a yellow jacket instead if the bug thankfully we never got stung by one. Also I used to believe animals could talk to each other too and that you could actually talk to them if you copied their noises that they made although I quit when I was 5 because I learned that most family dogs I talked to would listen to English so I didn't go through the trouble of making animal noises.


My dad used to pretend he was "Captain Hook" and would leave me treasure maps and things that I would spend hours going to each location for a clue...somewhere on our property he would bury a bag of coins or little toys..and I had to find the X that marked the spot! Do you know how upset I was when I learned it was not actually Captain Hook? :( hahah I mean Santa and the Tooth Faerie, pshh they were obviously fake...but I soooo thought Captain Hook was real :/


now I have the biggest crush on captain hook on the show Once Upon a Time....awkwarddd


I also thought there was a "mirror world" that you could enter when you looked in a mirror. I thought there were an infinite number of alternate universes in which I existed differently. My cousin got me to buy this and went around the whole day as if she had traded places with an alternate self from "mirror land". She totally had me convinced she was a faerie who's powers were taken away from entering our world...

seriously it was convincing as heck! XD


now there's that new horror movie coming out about mirror worlds, I CAN NOT watch it XD hahah it would freak me out way too much


That's cute! Hahaha


I was exceptionally silly and naive as a kid, so there were lots of things I used to believe. Let's see how many I can remember...

  • I believed that if I swallowed seeds, the fruit would grow inside me
  • One time I glued myself with superglue and started crying, because I thought superglue stayed on forever
  • I believed that if I made noises with my mouth closed, no one could hear me
  • I thought that every house had a mouse hole (like in Tom & Jerry) so I kept trying to find one in my house and left little bits of cheese on the floor to lure out the mice
  • I always heard that babies were born in hospitals, so I believed that babies were also conceived in hospitals
  • When I watched Roy Rogers, I thought it was weird that the lady's name was "Day Elevens". It took me a few years to find out her name was Dale Evans, lol


I think that's it for now :P


When I was growing up, it rained a lot where I lived, and I was mad because I couldn't go outside and play during the rain or I could get a cold sometimes. My Mom let me play in the rain sometines, and told me a story about the rain when I was little that really made me appreciate the rain, and nowadays I love the rain and welcome it every time I see it.


She said, "Now I know you've been taught that there's no tears in Heaven, but the rain comes from the tears from Heaven, from God, mourning the state of the Earth. There are sicknesses, and famine, and war in this world, and it can get very dirty down here. The rain is a means of cleansing the sin from the Earth, washing away the sadness of the people; the droplets that fall nourishes the crops and vegetation so that natural medicine can be grown and harvested for healing, and the fruits of farming labor can feed everyone until they've had their fill. The rain can even wash the hate from a warring soldier's eyes and allow peace to be seen. The rain is a very good thing, and sometimes there is a lot of rain that falls... that is because some places need more cleansing and healing than others.


Sometimes the rain is a happy cry. The tears that fall nourish the Earth, and beautiful flowers, gifts from above, grow for our benefit.. Sometimes, if you really look, the raindrops shine in the sun, forming a beautiful rainbow, reminding us of a promise made long ago. So, never, ever curse the rain, but welcome it. Go out and dance in it sometime, revel in its' pure drizzle, and let it restore you. The rain is a source of life and renewal in our world, but more importantly, if ever love were measured by raindrops, I would send you a storm, my dear daughter, and pray that it rained on you forever."


I miss my Mommy so much. This year will be nine years since she's been gone... I'll always believe this story, but until forever comes, I'll believe she has a hand in the rain that falls on me. <3


I believed that all dogs were male and all cats were female and that they'd have babies together, if the baby was a boy it'd be a dog and if it was a girl it'd be a cat.


Also my mom use to tell me that if I lied my tongue would turn green, so if I lied I didn't want to stick my tongue out, it was years before I was smart enough to look in a mirror and lie and see it wasn't true.


*reads Angel's post and nearly cries*


That's very, very beautiful.




I really do think cats talk to each other, but not necessarily with their meows. I think they make noises out of our hearing range, because there are sometimes when one of our cats will be doing something and the other comes running...it's like the first one hollered at the other.


One thing I like to say (though I only believe it's about .001% true) is that cats can become invisible. All the times I've looked all over the house, the basement and everywhere and can't find one of them, but they suddenly appear later...it sure feels like they can go invisible! :laughingsmiley:


Something I know for certain is that a cat will come to check on you when you're sick not necessarily because they hear you throwing up, but because your scent changes. (A former friend told me that and I absolutely believe it.) I can totally believe that if something's wrong, your cat will smell it and think, "Ooo...she smells like that when she's in distress...I'd better go see if she needs comfort."


Sometimes I feel like I know what the cats are saying, but that just may be intuition. ;)


Silly things.. Really fun reading this :)

Well I don't think I have really creepy stuff or weird stuff I believed in. Except the fact that I did believe that you could get into a different world through a mirror, if you had the powers. This was because I read a book about it once... Still freaks me out sometimes.


Also, I do think cats can communicate and 'talk' to eachother. We breed cats and currently have 9. Yeah, nine. We have a big house, so it isn't much trouble. Seven of them are in our living room, most of the time and they do communicate. They don't really chat like we do ('Hey, what is your opinion about the food?') but they make certain noises and they meow in certain ways to communicate. They also have a very strong body language and it's really fun to watch if you're interested.


In the Netherlands we have a holiday called Sinterklaas (which looks like Santa Claus by the way) and he comes around in December to give us presents. My parents told me he would only give us presents if we're nice the entire year and that in December he'd come at night and leave the presents for us. I wanted to see him myself, so I stayed up until midnight, but never saw him. Later, I found out that Sinterklaas wasn't alive (he's real, he was a saint) and it were my parents who left the presents for us. I believed it until I was about 12 years old..... We also celebrate Sinterklaas at school and I got a day off back then. I still believed in Sinterklaas and still think they celebrated Sinterklaas without me back then..


reading what all of you posted has been so entertaining! haha I feel like a lot of the things we believed in do seem possible...lol I loved the babies being made in the hospital XD


just to add on about the cat communication...

Adult cats really only meow to interact with humans, which I think is funny. :p I forgot where I read this but here's a Wikipedia page...



It's like cats know we're too dumb to understand any of their body language or other ways of communicating so they resort to meowing, which is basically like the equivalent to a baby crying XP


oh! and another thing I believed...there's a family friend who worked on the "little mermaid 2" movie (it was pretty bad, I know lol). I thought Ariel was real and he knew her..I wanted her autograph :(


These stories are hilarious and just adorable.


Definitely the seeds one. My father use to tell me that if I ate watermelon seeds, I would have a watermelon grow in my stomach. I remember crying once pretty badly since I accidentally swallowed a seed and thinking I was going to die.


I asked my parents how Santa Claus would get in through the chimney since he was so fat. My parents told me that he didn't go through the chimney and that was a story to trick kids. Instead he would go through windows since they were wide enough to fit his girth.


When I asked my mum how babies were made, she told me that it was magic. Mummies would ask for a baby and they would get one planted in their stomachs.


A kid in school told me that if someone took your picture, they would capture your soul. I didn't let anyone take pictures of me until I was in uni. (I know, that took a LONG time to get over.)


I was fascinated by lions because of The Lion King. I even resented not being a Leo (I'm a Taurus) and not having the surname "Leão" (Portuguese for "Lion", a rather common surname here). :D


Anyways, I used to believe lions really wore crowns - they were kings of the jungle, right? So I was super frustrated when I went to the Zoo for the first time and there was no crown. I was actually planning on bowing to them, but I was so disappointed I didn't even bother to. :P :P


When I was little I couldn't have anything but my head poking out of the covers because I thought that a witch came around and night and cut off whatever limbs were sticking out. I also covered my ears because I thought creatures would lay eggs in my brain while I was sleeping. I also thought that I had magical powers and could change red lights to green or make them stay green when we were driving - I also thought that if I didn't watch the road that we would crash.


Urrm... yeah. I was a pretty angst-ridden child xD


I was convinced that films and photographs from the 60's and earlier were black and white because the world was black and white.


I also had a cousin who convinced me that eating cat food turned you into a cat. So I remember going to my cat's food dish when I was what, 5 or 6 and eating a few pieces of cat food and wondering when I would transform. I still remember the taste...greasy and salty. I still feel guilty I feed my cat that.


And did anyone have grandmothers that told them to eat the crusts of their bread so that they would have curly hair? I remember then telling Grandma there was no way I would eat crusts and I would tear them off and leave them on my plate. She just laughed.

  On 5/14/2014 at 4:46 AM, officialsarahjay said:

I also had a cousin who convinced me that eating cat food turned you into a cat. So I remember going to my cat's food dish when I was what, 5 or 6 and eating a few pieces of cat food and wondering when I would transform. I still remember the taste...greasy and salty. I still feel guilty I feed my cat that.



Hahaha, I was always super curious about pet food. I had a special fondness for Pedigree's biscuit treats. Actually I tried them again a few years ago and I still find them nice '-'


I believed that "swallowed seeds" urban myth when I was a kid, too! That's why I dreaded eating grapes, even though it's one of my fave fruits, and I kept asking my mom to buy seedless ones instead.


I also believed that if I swallowed gum, it'll stick to my stomach walls and I'd die. x_x


I was very superstitious when I was a kid (still am, but less intense, now) so I tried to learn about what stuff I should and shouldn't do. Like if you're taking a photo and there's only three of you, the one in the middle would have bad luck/would die so I tend to consciously position myself to the side. XD


We also have this thing called "nuno sa punso". They say that if there's a mound of soil/dirt, you have to say "Excuse me," when you pass by it, so you won't anger the dwarves that live in them. There's this mound in our school that you pass by whenever taking a shortcut from the sewing room to the cafeteria, and we always had to excuse ourselves when using that path.


On a less supernatural note, there was this thing we called "kisses", which look like the candy Nerds, but they aren't edible, and they smell nice. I honestly believed that if you store them together, they'll have babies and multiply! I don't even know what to google to get a picture or an actual of the thing. :arrowhead:

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