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Weird NC Mall Question


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So, my completionist itch has led me to want to start doing some heavy customization and getting my pets all figured out and fancy, and I hit up Dress To Impress to do some research on stuff to use and such, and I got a perfect layout for a Relic Shoyru that I am now 100% emotonally attached to.


That said, it used the NC Maill item, "Scary Black Clouds," which, according to JellyNeo's DB, is retired from the mall. It looks a little something like this:




My question is, is it possible to get this item from another user? Can it be purchased from some like, NC Mall usershop sort of deal? I have, admittedly, never used NC, so I have NO IDEA how any of this works and just figured I'd ask whether I ought to give up on this one or track down dome way to snag it.


Thanks for any info! c:

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I don't know all the specifics, because I've never bought nc before, but you will have to trade with another user for it. You will need gift boxes to send them an item they want... If you post the url of your pet's customization on impresso, I can see if I can find something to replace it

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You will have to trade to get this item. For more information on trading NC items please take a look at this page.


Remember that you can only trade NC items for NC items, you cannot include neopoints or neopoint items in the deal as that is against the rules.


Good luck! :)

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@emily_speck_15: I've looked around for something similar but haven't had much luck, but if you're willing to give it a look: {link}


And thanks to Breaziecat and Mouseykins -- I had literally no idea how this would work if I pursued it and I'm thinking it may be a bit too difficult to snag it quickly, but I'll keep an eye out.

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The good news is, there are a LOT of people who have this item up for trade. There's about 30 people listed right on Dress to Impress, so you can creep it and hope you can find a trader.


More good news is that gift box capsules are on sale in the NC mall today and tomorrow - so if you want this item, STOCK UP! You'll likely need a fair amount of Gift Box Capsules (GBC) if you do no have an item that a trader is seeking. You'll even need some for yourself because you'll need some boxes to trade with.


The item usually goes for 2-3 gift box capsules.


You've got options and today is an excellent day to start as the GBC's are on sale and there are a lot of people looking to trade!

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If you are thinking you want to go the NC route, I would definitely do it today. Gift box capsules are half off today and 25% off tomorrow but are not for sale all the time anyway. Many users want GBCs or Faerie Quest Cookies (also from the NC mall but not available all the time) as trades. If you are interested, I'd just get $5 of NC and get 5 GBC of whichever variety you want and not open them. You'll have to open one or two to send the others to whomever but I would wait until you figure out a trade. I would search either dress to impress or galleries (on neopets) and neomail anyone who says it's up for trade to see what they want for it. There are a couple dozen who have it listed for trade on DTI but I honestly didn't look into any of them.


I don't know of any cloud/lightning combo quite like that, there are grey clouds and purple Jhudora clouds w/moon (I have those two but no black clouds.) Let me know if you have anymore questions. Good luck!

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I like the Cover of Darkness Foreground for a nice, spooky, effect, but it doesn't have flashy lightning like this item. Good luck trading if you decide to go that route. (Some of the early free NC items are worth a fair bit in trade value; I traded a Halloween background for a rather popular MME once, if you'd rather spend less actual cash.)

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Thanks for all the advice, guys!


I'm thinking, at least for now, I'm gonna shoot for the NP items -- they're all so bloody expensive that they'll be longer-term goals for me, anyways, and I can spend some more time figuring out NC Mall and determining if I want to put any irl cash into it. As it stands, I'm jut now discovering how big a commitment all this customization biz is gonna be, haha.


@sinri: I'm loving the Cover of Darkness Foreground, so I'm thinking that'll do the trick for now! Thanks a lot~~

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To me trading isn't really satisfying, tbh. I don't really feel it's fair to be asking for something worth almost trice the price you payed for the item, even if said item is rare. At least with neopoints there's no real money involved.


Also, if you combine Cover of Darkness with Grey Clouds Foreground it looks even closer to that dark cloud thingy you had in mind, still no lightning though :/

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