.Brianna. Posted March 30, 2014 Posted March 30, 2014 Everyone has one thing that annoys them terribly, I'm just curious what bugs you all the most. I spent many years working retail so for me it is people who don't watch their children and let them run amok in public. What about you all? Quote
Reality_Cubed Posted March 30, 2014 Posted March 30, 2014 I have a few, but the one that irritates me most is when people don't use common sense :grrr:. Quote
Novelista Posted March 30, 2014 Posted March 30, 2014 I had a woman who flipped out over a coupon within two weeks of Christmas... (I'm sure I have more peeves than that, but you said "retail", so that's the first thing that comes to mind.) No, wait...another two. Corporate posting jobs when there are none available, so you get invited to an interview repeatedly, only to get denied. Companies that overhire like crazy for the holidays, then only let you work tiny shifts. (That happened in 2006...my local Bath and Body Works hired about forty or fifty people for the holidays, so we only worked three hours at a time. Which is only really a good thing for Black Friday...) Quote
leverhelven Posted March 30, 2014 Posted March 30, 2014 Oh boy, I'm gonna enjoy this! I'm pratically an 80-year-old in the body of a 23-year-old when it comes to pet peeves. People who stop in the middle of hallways, thus blocking passage of everyone else; Parents who don't seem even slightly interested in controlling/educating their kids (as a former English Teacher for 3 to 6 year olds, this is a BIG thing to me); People who get historical facts completely wrong and don't accept it when you try to explain to them that they're wrong (as a former History student, again a big thing) People who have weird superstitions that hinder me (talking to you, Mom!) blowupthesun 1 Quote
Ashbash Posted March 30, 2014 Posted March 30, 2014 People who chew gum or chips or really anything super loudly. It's drives me absolutely insane. I have to leave and not be near them. Quote
leverhelven Posted March 30, 2014 Posted March 30, 2014 People who chew gum or chips or really anything super loudly. It's drives me absolutely insane. I have to leave and not be near them. It's so ironic that your avatar is a girl chewing gum :D Ashbash 1 Quote
Word_Envy Posted March 30, 2014 Posted March 30, 2014 People who chew gum or chips or really anything super loudly. It's drives me absolutely insane. I have to leave and not be near them. This is mine too, I can't stand when people chew loudly! What really gets me is when people are completely and utterly oblivious to the noise they're making, or chewing with their mouth open. Ugh! *shudder* Quote
runningbanana Posted March 31, 2014 Posted March 31, 2014 My biggest pet peeve at the moment has to be when people constantly ask me to send them homework or notes on assignments that they were obviously just too lazy to do. Drives me crazy Quote
kennielee Posted March 31, 2014 Posted March 31, 2014 People letting their dogs run loose. My dog does not want to say hi! Quote
bella255 Posted March 31, 2014 Posted March 31, 2014 People who over-share on facebook. It is one thing to casually mention your day but there are some details you should only share with your close friends. Ashbash, leverhelven and missmadiemay 3 Quote
Rune Valentine Posted March 31, 2014 Posted March 31, 2014 People who over-share on facebook. It is one thing to casually mention your day but there are some details you should only share with your close friends. Oh my gosh, this! I hate it when people post about their lives, you know, every 6 minutes. I like you, but don't need to know you're out buying toothpaste. Here are a few of mine: People who don't hold doors open for you/other people when you could clearly use the help (like, you're carrying 23243784 things) Related to the one above, people who won't hold the elevator door for you even when they see you coming People who talk on their phone way too loudly in a small space People who don't know what lines on a parking spot mean Lastly, creases on my book spines! Ugh, problem for thick books :( Ashbash and leverhelven 2 Quote
leverhelven Posted March 31, 2014 Posted March 31, 2014 Parents who believe it's the school's job to teach their bratty, spoiled brats basic manners; Robin Williams, Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks. I hate them, for some mysterious reason. Can't watch movies with them without getting annoyed; :angry: People/tourists that think we speak Spanish in Brazil (spoiler: WE DON'T.) Quote
Novelista Posted March 31, 2014 Posted March 31, 2014 I hate that people think you speak Spanish in Brazil, too, and I'm American! :P I'm sorry you don't like Tom and Robin. Julia...it must be a family thing. Something about her doesn't sit well with me, either. Her brother's worse...handsome, but full of all sorts of trouble. :devil: leverhelven 1 Quote
leverhelven Posted March 31, 2014 Posted March 31, 2014 I hate that people think you speak Spanish in Brazil, too, and I'm American! :P This video from Today Sport created heavy polemic here. The guys think we Brazilians speak Italian or Spanish. And they actually make fun of it. And the guy is so stupid he keeps saying a very strong cuss word as if it meant "great effort" (spoiler 2: IT DOESN'T). Which brings me to another pet peeve of mine: The way some first-world people don't seem to care at all about learning basic facts on other countries. As in: thinking "Africa" is a country, believing in all those "African-people-all-live-in-tribes" stereotypes, thinking that we're all poor and miserable and need their help. WHICH reminds me of this awesomesauce article about "voluntourists". (yep, they're another pet peeve of mine.) Quote
Novelista Posted March 31, 2014 Posted March 31, 2014 I can't imagine cussing repeatedly on television. I would die every time I heard it. When I was little, I thought Africa was a country. I was surprised it was a bunch of countries all together...but I'm pretty sure I knew that by junior high. I didn't know you had ties to Africa? Quote
HomuraAkemiTheHero Posted March 31, 2014 Posted March 31, 2014 My biggest pet peeves are . People who are over dramatic we don't live in a episode of The Young and The Restless or whatever TV drama is popular now. . People who won't be quiet whenever someone tells them to because to most students it's really important to talk about who's dating who and all that other stuff sometimes it gets really bad and I wish i could just throw the nearest eraser at them but I can't so I end up shoving my face in a book.For whatever reason it seems likes it's hard for hem to be quiet for 1 minute so others can get their work done. Quote
thatlauralass Posted March 31, 2014 Posted March 31, 2014 When you're in a supermarket and someone just pushes in front of you to get to something on the shelf without any recognition or "excuse me". WOW. Learn some manners. Also people who don't hold doors open when you're directly behind them/ people who walk through a door you're holding for them without taking hold of said door or saying thank you. Parents who don't set a good example for their children; parents who would sooner sit and look at their mobile than communicate with their child. I'm not a mother but I don't believe I have to be to determine what's good and what's bad parenting. And my BIGGEST EVER pet peeve of all; when you're sitting on a bus (or any form of public transport), and someone sits next to you having no regard for personal space and practically sits on top of you. This happens to me all the time. I don't want a stranger squeezing up next to me on the bus; whenever I sit on the bus next to someone regardless of how busy it is, there is always space to sit comfortably without touching the person next to you. Why other people then think it's ok to squeeze up against me on the bus when I'm at the window side, I'll never know but it makes my blood boil whenever it happens. There's only so far I can squeeze into the corner to avoid touching you; at least have the decency to register that I do not want to sit arm to arm/ thigh to thigh. Ugh!! leverhelven 1 Quote
kennielee Posted March 31, 2014 Posted March 31, 2014 When you're in a supermarket and someone just pushes in front of you to get to something on the shelf without any recognition or "excuse me". WOW. Learn some manners. That is the worst. I used to work in retail and people would constantly reach over or push past me without even acknowledging me, like rude much? Ugh! Quote
leverhelven Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 I didn't know you had ties to Africa? I'm not sure if that "you" refers to me or to Brazilians, but anyways, Brazilians have strong ties to the African continent (and also to Europe, but most "New World" countries which had immigrants and slaves at some point in their History do). As to me personally, my great-grandma was black (we don't have such expressions as "African-Brazilian" here as Americans do, lol) even though I'm white as a ghost xD Both sides of my family came from Spain at some point, but here we're not as connected to roots/backgrounds as Americans seem to be. And my BIGGEST EVER pet peeve of all; when you're sitting on a bus (or any form of public transport), and someone sits next to you having no regard for personal space and practically sits on top of you. This happens to me all the time. I don't want a stranger squeezing up next to me on the bus; whenever I sit on the bus next to someone regardless of how busy it is, there is always space to sit comfortably without touching the person next to you. Why other people then think it's ok to squeeze up against me on the bus when I'm at the window side, I'll never know but it makes my blood boil whenever it happens. There's only so far I can squeeze into the corner to avoid touching you; at least have the decency to register that I do not want to sit arm to arm/ thigh to thigh. Ugh!! THIS. THIS! AW GAWD THIS!!! Once, this man sat down by my side and, not only was he spreading all over the place, he dozed off and started falling on me. I decided to put my elbow to work and, at every turn the bus took, I'd pretend I had lost my balance and I'd shove my elbow on him, untill he realized. Gosh. Quote
Novelista Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 Well, yes, I was aware of the ties to Africa as a country, but I didn't know if you had any personally. (And frankly, all the Brazilians I've met don't talk about it.) Quote
leverhelven Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 Well, yes, I was aware of the ties to Africa as a country, but I didn't know if you had any personally. (And frankly, all the Brazilians I've met don't talk about it.) Yeah, it's not something that we tend to trace, we always consider ourselves to be a big mix of everything. I find it funny whenever I look up some celebrity on Wikipedia and they always have the "s/he is part Irish and German from the Mother's side, and part Russian and Australian or whatever from Father's side". We really don't care and most of the time don't know about it we it comes to ourselves here xD Quote
thatlauralass Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 Just thought of another couple of pet peeves that have irritated me over the past couple of days. 1. People that judge/treat you differently based on appearances. I'm a bit of a style chameleon; one day I'll go out dressed in 50's attire, small mary jane heels, flowy skirt to the knee and a nice top/jacket. Very reserved colours, and people are SO nice and respectful to me. Then the next I'll go out wearing my more casual black, gothic-like attire, with the same demeanour I had on the day before, and people treat you like scum. I hate stereotypes. 2. The entire "british accent" thing. There's no such thing, oh my goodness. The amount I hear it too. Britain = United Kingdom. The UK encompases Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. So for someone to say you can get a 'scottish, irish, and BRITISH' accent is completely stupid and wrong. More often than not 'british' refers to 'english'. The english accent. So why can't people just say that. That is the worst. I used to work in retail and people would constantly reach over or push past me without even acknowledging me, like rude much? Ugh!Gosh, I can't imagine how bad it would be working there; you must get it so much more often. :/ I mean I were in mid conversation with someone and was needing something that was directly in front of someone, I would pause, say "sorry, excuse me", get the item I was after, then proceed with the conversation. But no - there's plenty people out there like this group of women pushing their prams the other day, who are just "BLA BLA BLA *shoves you out the way without so much as a sideways glance* BLA BLA BLA..." -n- And I mean I'm too nice a person to just stand my ground and let them bump into me and give them an incredulous glance and say "Excuse me?!" But I really am tempted to sometimes. Even though I know I would never want to steep down to their level of ignorance. THIS. THIS! AW GAWD THIS!!! Once, this man sat down by my side and, not only was he spreading all over the place, he dozed off and started falling on me. I decided to put my elbow to work and, at every turn the bus took, I'd pretend I had lost my balance and I'd shove my elbow on him, untill he realized. Gosh. Oh gads! DX I'm a little more forgiving to people who fall asleep, but I just don't get how people don't seem to have a problem with leaning against strangers on a bus. Even though it left me feeling rude and embarassed, there's been a couple of times where a persons sat beside me and was brushing up against me so much despite there being empty seats elsewhere on the bus, I got up and moved a couple of seats away, ahaha. Quote
Pookies Posted April 4, 2014 Posted April 4, 2014 People who chew gum or chips or really anything super loudly. It's drives me absolutely insane. I have to leave and not be near them. I hate this so much! I was finishing an essay in a lecture room (class was cancelled) and a guy comes in because his class is going to start in 40 minutes... but he is sitting there chewing his gum so loudly! AH, I couldnt concentrate! :/ I was really hoping he would bite his tongue... the way he was chewing was so gross, mouth open and everything. Alsoo annoying, when people dont signal they are going to make a turn OR when i am signaling that I am about to turn (i do this ahead of time, not at the last second) and the person behind me takes this to mean to get as close as possible! Or honk me when I am slowing down to make a turn! x.x' (i'm still angry at you, driver from 2 months ago!!!) Quote
.Brianna. Posted April 4, 2014 Author Posted April 4, 2014 when i am signaling that I am about to turn (i do this ahead of time, not at the last second) and the person behind me takes this to mean to get as close as possible! Or honk me when I am slowing down to make a turn! x.x' (i'm still angry at you, driver from 2 months ago!!!) Yuck! I had a lady lay on her horn because I didn't pass a garbage truck (which I couldn't see around) in a no passing zone. So frustrating... Quote
leverhelven Posted April 5, 2014 Posted April 5, 2014 When a person comes to my house, knowing that I have a pet, and still doesn't respect it. Seriously, I'm NOT gonna lock them in a room. If you don't like them, lock YOURSELF out. Geesh. Quote
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