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Monkey bussiness in Usuki Frenzy?


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Ohai there! I'm an avid player of Usuki Frenzy. I really like the game, I think it's fun. But it's very hard to get a high score, since the scores are always very tight, and it's very hard to get more points.


The top scores are usually no more than 635~636, which is very impressive already, but yesterday I noticed that the first place actually had scored 836 points!!! Which any usual player of this game will tell you, it's virtually impossible.


Plus, the account is just 1 week old.


What should I do? I've seen people on this forum report such cases and get their own accounts frozen instead. So... should I just ignore it?

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Definitely a score sender. A week old and that high? It's amazing it got past the review team, to be honest.


If you're afraid of getting frozen yourself, don't say anything. If they're that stupid, they'll get caught by themselves. (Or you could use a shell account to suggest they play the Haunted Shootery...as of December, that was still a score sending trap. ;) )

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I wouldn't report it, it's TNT's job to find stuff like that. I really only think it's appropriate to report things that are harmful to yourself or others, specifically younger children on the site. If they cheated that is very lame on their part and I'm sure they'll get caught eventually, but their one score doesn't impact you to the degree you should be risking your account over it.

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I've never seen people get their accounts frozen merely for reporting something. Usually, they asked on the Neoboards, or neomailed the user, both of which could be considered harassment of the person. If you want to report it as suspicious, do not mention it anywhere on Neopets, just use the report form, and say that you don't think the score is possible and leave it at that. I don't think doing that could put your account at risk. I suggest not contacting the suspected cheater in any way, nor discussing this issue on the Neoboards. (Even if you don't identify them by name, just mentioning "I think someone cheated in game X" is still identifying them, because anyone could go on the HS table and figure out whom you meant). Note: just report them once; if they're not frozen, the score might actually be legit, if they have a super-slow computer or something (my nephew had a high score on Never-Ending Boss Battle and never understood why others' scores were so low; I watched him play once, and it was all due to lag).


I disagree with those who say to leave it up to TNT. The whole reason they have the reporting system is because they cannot monitor all aspects of the site at once, and they rely on people to help them stop cheating when it's happening. And of course it hurts other players. They're taking up a position on the HS table, meaning that one person is not getting their earned gold, another is not getting their earned silver, and a third is not getting their earned bronze. Sure, it might only be a few days' worth of NP, but it's also a slot in their trophy cabinet, too. All cheating hurts other players because of the nature of the Neopian economy. And if someone's using scripts to cheat in this one game, they're probably using scripts to cheat on other areas of the site (other games, auto-buying, the Altador Cup, etc.), and they probably have been on multiple accounts. If all their accounts keep getting frozen, I hope they'll give up and move on to somewhere else on the internet.


tl;dr: Report them one time using the report form; do not mention that you did so anywhere on Neopets, and do not contact the suspected cheater.

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siniri, can we report from side accounts? I'd feel safer...


I know it sounds crazy, but one user here on the forums has said once that, after reporting a shady score, got their own account frozen. So I'm kinda scared, hehe. :sick01:

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I'd honestly just let it be. It's a shame that people feel the need to cheat and can't just enjoy something and have fun. But when it comes to neopets, I always like to play things safe. I'd let it roll off your back so nothing bad ends up coming of it for you. People will eventually get caught on their own.

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Nothing happens to you when you report someone. Otherwise I'd have been frozen a billion times.


Such a score is absolutely not legit. It's best to report the user since he is killing the spirit of the game for other players. (Especially since reset day is coming soon, and some people might end up without a trophy because someone cheated and bumped them down the highscore list.)

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I'd say there was something like a 1% chance of that score being real, but an account that was a week old? No way. I'd say report it from a side if you're worried about being frozen or anything, or from a shell account. Do not contact the user and do not post anything on neopets.

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