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So very bummed right now.

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So I tried to log onto neo and got the dreaded screen. So my nearly 13 years on neo has gone down the drain. I'm so bummed right now. I sent in a ticket, but I'm kind of really upset that TNT didn't even mail me saying that my account was frozen do to suspicious activity. I know way in the past (a few years) someone was attempting to hack my account because I started getting emails for a lost username, so they sent me my username and password. I changed my password then. But there was no warning at all this time. I miss my pets, I'm just so so bummed right now.






This account has been FROZEN for the following reason:


Due to potentially suspicious activity on this username, it has been frozen for the owner's protection. This can include falling for a scam or entering information into a fake login page. If you would like information on getting this account back, please contact us by clicking

If you think the above reason was applied to you by mistake, please contact our support staff by clicking here. Don't forget to include your USERNAME and explain why you think your account should not have been frozen. If you DID break the rules, please do not contact us again. Your account will NOT be unfrozen and you will not get your Neopet or items returned. But, you are welcome to create a new account, as long as you follow the rules.

Remember to read our Terms of Use thoroughly.


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The key word in this is for protection. It means that you should be able to get your account back if you provide enough details to prove that you are the owner. Maybe something happened yesterday that made them think that your account was compromised. Someone could have reported it as stolen if they noticed you had send weird Neomail or started to donate expensive things... You probably won't find out what happened exactly. Best of luck to get it back quickly!

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I've been on Neopets for over 7 years, and have to say, while I've never done anything that I thought constitutes my account being frozen, it's still a constant concern that one day it COULD happen.


I am so sorry this happened to you. I would be very upset too, and I hope you get it back soon.


My question in this regard is this: As a long time user, what kind of information should I be saving offline for my own protection in the event something like this happened? I would want my account back like I had it, so what would they need? Petpage information, stats, items in my closet, habitarium level, trophies and avatars and other collection items I've acquired. What? Does anybody else do this? What information do you save and keep updated?

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I'm sorry to hear that! This was one of my many Neopian fears as well. Today I tried to log into my account...only to find the password has been changed and two pets out of my account! One was adopted by the person who stole my account, the other pet was in the pound, so I saved it. I will be making a board later today to see if someone can figure out what happened and explain it to me. :(


12 years playing, but this account was 10.5 years old.


So sleep deprived...


Edit: I sent a report and a ticket. My account is deactivated and the person who stole my pet is frozen. The reason they stole it was because it's unconverted (*fixed).


Edit 2: Xepha, is there a page that related to my case? I have no luck with my searching skills. I'll make a board later about my case...I'm just so tired.

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You probably meant unconverted...


People don't really care if your pets are dressed or not. But a lot of people are still nostagic of Neopets old poses. What kind of pet was yours?


I'd also like to remind everyone to use secure and hard to crack passwords. You should never use the same password for Neopets and your email or any other sites really. Good passwords contains upper and lower cases, symbols and numbers. You can make up a silly sentence if it's easier for you to remember like #3Ch0colate!ceCream4Me!


More on that topic here => http://thedailyneopets.com/articles/security

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*hugs for both of you* That's terrible!


I think the first time I was frozen was because someone had stolen my account. At first, I thought that it was because I'd been buying rare item codes from eBay (and it seemed strange that it took so long to catch me); but then when I hopped over to my side, I realized it had been compromised. There was a chomby with a horrible name. (Not explicit...just poorly named.) Not only do I have no interest in chombies, but I would never adopt something with a poor name.


(Okay, so maybe I was frozen for cheating and I did have my side cracked at the same time...it could happen!)


After that, I started using a password in this format: x##x##x## (where x = letter and # = number). It's a pain to type out, but no one has tried to steal my accounts since!



I was going to link to an anti-freeze guide I think it's pretty good, but I'm guessing the TDN guide is fine without even looking at it, so...:)

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I've never been frozen o.o

Being not really all that chatty, I only go on the boards for quest help, and I have so few NFs that it doesn't strike me to say "Hi!" once in a while via NeoMails. Recently re-acquiring my old account, I had to go through that one's NFs to clear it out if I hadn't been removed already due to inactivity.

I digress, though. I really hope you 2 get your accounts back =/ Long hours and sleepless nights (working for avatars or just for NPs) only to have them snatched away due to someone else's ignorance and lack of respect is a bummer in any game.

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I've never been frozen o.o

Being not really all that chatty, I only go on the boards for quest help, and I have so few NFs that it doesn't strike me to say "Hi!" once in a while via NeoMails. Recently re-acquiring my old account, I had to go through that one's NFs to clear it out if I hadn't been removed already due to inactivity.


Same here...yet this happened :/ If I ever get it back, I'm going to become even more of a neo-hermit lol a lot of my settings were already private except neomail, but I'm going to private that too

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I GOT MY ACCOUNT BACK!!!! :laughingsmiley: :laughingsmiley: :laughingsmiley: :laughingsmiley: :laughingsmiley: :laughingsmiley: Just got the email a half hour ago. I switched my email and password. I'm so glad I had pin on everything, so nothing appeared missing. My pets were dying, but other than that everything appears to be pretty normal. Thanks for all the support you guys. I checked my account earlier today and it was still frozen, so I'm super happy right now.

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